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Gym Tycoon update for 10 March 2021

Update 0.8 Released

Share · View all patches · Build 6355635 · Last edited 10 March 2021 – 09:06:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

It's been two months since the last major update and we haven't been sitting still! Curious what has changed? Read on!

This Update

The original plan for this update was to add staff and a player character to the game. However, we decided the gym rating needed some attention first.
The first new feature we added is research. Research is the new way to unlock more gym equipment and features.
We also went ahead and implemented cheap and expensive furniture variants. More expensive equipment improves skills faster!
Next, we simplified what was left of the 5-star 'Gym Rating' system into a score-based 'Gym Score' system. We hope this new system is easier to understand.
Another new feature is land expansion. You can now buy additional land to further expand your gym! (Existing save games unlock all land to prevent them from breaking.)
Finally, another major visible change is the UI, we worked hard to make it all just a bit cleaner and consistent.

What's Next?

As usual, after every big update we always want to work on a couple of smaller updates that contain bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements.
In the upcoming small updates we will add settings that allow you to change the key bindings.
Furthermore we'd like to add an inventory system, this allows us to modify furniture without furniture going lost in existing save games.

For now that's it, I hope you enjoy this update!

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Thanks for your support!

  • Feature: Added research to unlock new gym features and furniture.
  • Feature: Added land expansion.
  • Feature: Replaced 5-star Gym Rating with number-based Gym Score system.
  • Feature: Gym members level no longer capped by gym rating.
  • Content: Added cheap and expensive exercise machine variants (placeholder graphics).
  • Improvement: Day can now be skipped when last customer has left (no longer have to wait until 17:00).
  • UI: Overhauled UI for better consistency.
  • UI: New font.
  • UI: Updated furniture thumbnails.
  • Balancing: Changes to applicant spawn rate, time and money.
  • Localization: Added Simplified Chinese.
  • Localization: Updated existing languages.
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