- ARTEMIS: Extra turret on the back of the ship. Adjusted hit volume so targetable area doesn't include the engine.
- HADES: Move two turrets to the top and adjust angles for better coverage; added new Turret on the back of the ship
- ARROW: Firing range increased (1700->2100). In addition, ARROW (and any other fast fighters) will better maintain their distance when in firing range of a moving Battleship they are chasing.
- ARROW FACTORY: Hydrogen cost decreased from 70 to 60
- HYDROGEN FACTORY: Lifetime increased from 45 sec to 54 sec (overall Hydrogen produced over lifetime stays the same)
- EMP: Cooldown increased from 3 to 6 sec
- Game modes are no longer on rotation and can be picked; Only 2vs2 is available at the beginning of the game with more modes becoming available at higher zones. For now, Teammates can join a mode they've not themselves unlocked.
- Available Research Points from combat now slowly increase every hour (instead of fully refilled at the end of the day). See the tooltip to see when the next installment will be available.
- Can now see how many people are online in the Corporation page, allowing you to find and stay with more active Corporations in your time zone.
- Reworked tutorial flow, to better introduce new players to the initial fighters. Completed tutorial missions can be replayed from the Zone Progression dialog.
- Corporation weekly Relic leaderboards (This feature is work in progress, many important parts are missing in this version)
- Fixed bug where 2vs2 match showed as defeat if your Teammate was the last one standing, after your Battleship was destroyed.
Changed files in this update