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Stellar Monarch update for 9 March 2021

Version 1.46 released

Share · View all patches · Build 6351495 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This update is about small finetuning or some mechanics, nothing game changing but more like making things go more smoothly, intuitive and logical. Also traditional bug fixes.

  • [balance] Cities penalty made more granular (depending on how many cities are missing compared to population, before it was iterated by -10% now by -5% each step).

  • [misc] When Parasites go into hibernation they will start to disband ground troops on the planets they abandon. Also they will no longer disband flotillas while those are in combat.

  • [misc] Any race invading Parasites world while it's being abandoned by the Parasites due to hibernation will get instant 100% ground invasion progress.

  • [interface] Create Emperor screen now shows a clarification that the traits affects both starting officials as well as officials recruited later.

  • [interface][expansion#1] Listed AE pts cost for Satellites and Terraforming in a tooltip. Also listed the number of Satellites launched and number of Terraformed planets in the galaxy.

  • [fix] Governors were not prioritizing cities enough in same cases. Now they look directly at the penalty and will try to fix & prevent it.

  • [fix] Some rare audience effects applied incorrectly.

  • [fix] A very rare bug where stormtroopers were stuck for several turns while invading a planet at the same turn when Parasites went into hibernation and decided to abandon this particular planet (yup, pretty rare).

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