We are excited to announce that Death By FrostByte is now available for purchase on Steam Early Access!
If you would like to give us feedback or report a potential bug, please leave a comment in either the Steam community discussion forms or in our Discord Server!
Discord Server
Come and join the Death By FrostByte community! Chat with other players, see what the team is currently working on, and share your own suggestions! The discord server is the quickest way to reach out to the developer.
CLICK HERE to join the Death By FrostByte discord server.
Trello Page
The Trello page lets you see what game mechanics and features we are currently working on. It will also give you a good idea of the game roadmap for the next year.
CLICK HERE to view the Death By FrostByte Trello page.
We hope you enjoy Death By FrostByte!
Have a great day,
Stormee Games