This is a big one! Lots of fixes, quality of life changes and map changes. We'll be doing a larger news post soon.
- Fixed rendering errors in Spire on bare minimum
- Potential fix for the random crashes
- Green arrow no longer gets stuck on the Customise/Weapon tab
- Level 7 Digger career now properly unlocks the free skin for the MiDi
- Fixed 2X and 4X zoom amount on bare minimum
- Inventory item descriptions now render properly
- Fixed UI freeze/flicker when your party joins an Arena match
- Fixed a reload sync issue between the client and server when picking up an ammo bonus while holding a weapon with an empty magazine
- Potential fix for high-velocity players with high packet loss
- Picking up an ammo bonus no longer stops health regeneration
- Removed 'Join Aegis/Helix' text from Arena when a tournament is running
- Starting a scrim will now stay on that game mode for all subsequent matches
- Fixed freezes when resizing the window
- Loading screen images now stretch to fit the window properly
- Air movement sounds will now stop playing when the match finishes or when leaving the match
- Fixed metallic skin customisation on Bare Minimum
- Fixed Assault Rifle ironsights alignment when ADS and shooting
- Fixed 'Free Weapon Skin' text showing on weapons you have unlocked all the skins for
- Fixed crash when the game ends as a spectator
- Screen Resolution changed from a slider to two number fields
- More vibrant player camo colours
- New Breakthrough zone indicator UI at the top of the screen
- Combined Extraction into the Scavenger mod and removed its extra blocks on ammo pickup
- Default skin changed from blue to white to avoid the confusion of enemies appearing blue with a red outline
- Extra cover added to the top of Laboratory, as well as openings above zones B and D
- C4 explosion radius increased from 4.5 to 5.5
- C4 block damage increased from 50 to 75
- Particle rendering and player animation optimisations
Changed files in this update