First draft of second tutorial added (as a better gateway from "what is sound" to build-your-own)
Tweaked all GATE levels to be more in line with physical synths
Stereo OUT module now has a mono mode - plug in only the left input and it plays the same signal on both speakers. Plug in the right side as well to go back to stereo.
Sample Player now automatically triggers when switching modes (Loop, Ping-Pong, One-Shot)
Patterns are now included in save files and are correctly loaded back as cartridges on load! (even when shared via code)
Please be aware that Samples are not included with save files and not shared via code. They are simply saved to disk and the filename is included with the save. On load, the app looks for the file and turns it into a cartridge if found. Known issue: Sample Player display goes weird sometimes on load - just take out the cartridge - optionally shake and blow into it - and reattach it to fix! ;)
Changed files in this update