Hey everyone!
Beta 30.6 is now out! We tried to get this one out fairly quickly to address the issue that was introduced in Beta 30.5. Let us know if anyone continues to have issues.
-Added a new AI behavior tweak which can be used to customize the overall priority of shooting down missiles for each bot.
- AI using turrets capable of shooting down missiles should no longer always prioritize incoming missiles and be a little more intelligent when deciding what to shoot.
- Fixed an issue with certain mission objectives that required players to eliminate all enemies in a sector not triggering when it should
- Fixed an issue with the military-grade shield boosting program not providing its bonus
- Fixed some internal issues with AI data that we hope will stabilize some issues with the bots
- Fixed an issue with the Defend Self AI behavior that could make it not work correctly in some situations
- Strengthened a few network security messages
- Fixed an issue with the ship off-screen indicators preventing input on menus
Thanks for your reports and feedback!
The Leafy Games Team
Changed files in this update