Update #11
Auto save bug fixed
Small lobby menu bug fixed
Fixed other small bugs
Mini map reworked
Animals now attack each other
Animals attack you when they see you
Animals run away when they have taken too much damage
Animals attack you when they are attacked
Added more animals
Dead player's bag is now active for 12 min (player's request) (was included in mini update)
Auto-Save is now shown in the HUD (was added in a mini-update)
Fiber, Rubbish, Berry, Trees spawn times changed
Black Berry now moves health
Tomato plants have been replaced by mushrooms
Food and drink has been adjusted (was included in a mini-update)
Spawn times of loot boxes changed
Added water puddles ( was included in a mini update )
Oil puddles added
Small wooden chest is now 200 KG
Big wooden chest 400 KG
Iron chests have no KG anymore
Removed some trees from the map
Added more safezones
Map enlarged and expanded
More Loot items
More clothes
New crafting items
Crafting radios added ( player request )
Crafting bed added ( Spawn point ) ( Is included in a next mini update. )
Crafting Solar Generator
Time in the Hud ( Later there will be a change to this )
Building Prison added
New animal type sheep
New animal type cat ( was included in a mini update )
Key Binding is currently only possible for the language English
Update based on known submissions from the Early Access launch
Info: More changes are being made at this time. There will be another mini update with more content in a few hours.
The crafting menu is currently being redesigned.
If you have any problems, please let me know immediately.
Changed files in this update