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Lawless Lands update for 6 March 2021

Attention Testers: Unrest Chapter 1 Being Uploaded Now

Share · View all patches · Build 6341281 · Last edited 6 March 2021 – 16:09:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Lawless Lands,

Hey everyone!

This is mainly an announcement for testers, but for those of you interested, I have completed chapter 1 of the Unrest expansion and a lot of the extras to go along with it. Be aware that I still have quite a bit to do.

If you are a tester, please play through what I have of the expansion so far. There is still a lot of empty space on the world map, but there is a good amount of content already available.

Ravlova and Kratovinsk are finished settlements. The rest are placeholders. There are 11 side quests so far, some of which have several outcomes. Almost all the side quests alter the situation in the game in some way. Pay close attention. The first chapter of the main storyline is complete with some new gameplay mechanics and things to do - it has different plot lines as well in a few areas in terms of options for how you do things. There are a few random locations to find, too.

Please let me know of any bugs, issues, or suggestions you may have. If you're a tester, you should have a direct line of communication with me, so please avoid posting on the forums or on this comment section with spoilers.

I'll have the build live shortly.

-Corrosion ːCStudiosː

DLC 1408290 Lawless Lands Unrest (1408290) Depot Depot 1408290
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