- Tweaked the layout of the Tinkering screen.
- Improved the display of very large numbers of bits on the Tinkering screen.
- Removed some extraneous information from the display names and descriptions shown for tinkering blueprints.
- Cherubim you find out in the wild now belong to the faction of the creatures they are modelled after.
- Electromagnetic sensors now detect mechanical cherubim.
- Jump now respects phase and other physical interactivity conditions to determine what you can jump through and into.
- You can no longer jump through or into closed doors.
- Juke now respects phase and flight.
- Juke can no longer move holograms or creatures that are rooted in place.
- Disabling the "Color player's @ based on HP level" option no longer stops mutations from changing your @ color.
- Reputation gains and losses with hidden factions are no longer displayed.
- Fork-horned helm now displays its melee performance characteristics in its display name and description.
- Horns and fork-horned helms now indicate their bleeding damage in their descriptions.
- The "collect liquid" action now requests confirmation if collecting more than 128 drams of liquid.
- Klanq now gives you more puff attempts if the infection didn't take on the limb you chose.
- Ultra Fire now correctly applies Suppressing Fire and Flattening Fire.
- Made some improvements to how reloading chooses which missile weapons to reload with in complex equipment setups.
- Reloading no longer reloads missile weapons that aren't equipped in your missile slots.
- Fixed some bugs that made missile weapons fail to fire and equip to inconsistent slots when magnetized.
- Sewage eels no longer trip you if they are not hostile to you.
- Liquid cooking effects are no longer described on objects other than purpose-specific liquid containers and pools of liquid.
- Changed Berate's description to indicate that the Quickness penalty of Shamed is percentage-based.
- Added Shamed's to-hit penalty to its description.
- Extradimensional psychic hunters no longer spawn as broken, double-legendary creatures.
- Improved creature AI for getting away from objects that are setting them on fire.
- The "Show debug information on object and system internals" option now adds a "show internals" interaction to objects rather than appending the info to their descriptions.
- Decarbonizer beams no longer cause excessive zone builds.
- The smart use action on enterable furniture is now interact, not enter.
- The enter action on enterable furniture now has a higher priority for being the default interaction.
- Liquid collection now prefers not to collect into items that produce the liquid being collected.
- Relic-granted mutations and skill enhancements are now only granted if the relic is equipped as designed.
- Fixed the color pattern on the frowning moon mask.
- Fixed a bug that caused NPCs to occasionally lose their base hit points when they leveled up.
- Fixed a bug that caused some cherubim to appear as weird artifacts.
- Fixed a bug in missile weapons' PV values.
- Fixed a bug that caused mental mutations gained from cooking effects to not count toward [redacted].
- Fixed a bug that caused the overburdened status effect to occasionally fail to apply or be removed.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused missile firing sounds and "Your shot goes wild!" messages to trigger even if the weapon was out of ammo.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the schematics for lead slugs and shotgun shells from being learned via Psychometry.
- Fixed a bug that caused creatures to stand in acid indefinitely rather than move through it.
- Fixed a bug that prevented flight from letting you fly over ground obstacles in some circumstances.
- Fixed a bug that prevented death sounds generated by creatures being killed by Juke + Pointed Circle from being audible.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused a crash when you interacted with a tile containing multiple liquid containers.
- Fixed a bug that caused examining certain relics to produce incorrect messages.
- Fixed a bug that made the performance characteristics of fork-horned helms fail to persist across save/load.
- Fixed a bug that prevented gelatinous frustrums from wandering while they have a creature engulfed.
- [modding] Mods' Steam Workshop names no longer dictate their internal IDs and thus won't prevent approval if they contain invalid characters.
- [modding] Genotypes now have an IsTrueKin flag, separate from IsMutant. GameObject.IsTrueKin() now looks for this flag being true on the creature's property-defined genotype, with creatures with no genotype presumed to not be true kin. GameObject.IsMutant() now looks for IsMutant being true on the creature's property-defined genotype, with creature with no genotype presumed to be mutants.
Changed files in this update