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Not Dead Yet update for 5 March 2021

Patch v0.7.0 'Slowpace' is here!

Share · View all patches · Build 6338329 · Last edited 5 March 2021 – 20:46:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Another week, another patch. Geez, time flies huh? Hope y'all are doing great!

Alright, in our totally non biased humble opinion, this week's patch is shining! It brings lots of good stuff, including a new zombie that changes everything Not Dead Yet you know so far and much more. Shall we, ladies and gentlemen?

Notable changes

Our favorite ones, heheh...

  • The 'Slowpace' Zombie is among us! Things are about to get colder, folks. Yeah, family is growing. Also, Slowpace is our first ranged zombie ever -- and we advice you to watch your back. ;)
  • A brand new mechanic: 'Slow'. We know it's already familiar to you, but not to Not Dead Yet... until today. Currently exclusive to the Slowpace zombie, we intend to expand it much, much more. You know, your better tool on Not Dead Yet is being able to move - and move quickly - what if things get slower? Yeah, you bet.
  • 'High Performance' graphical settings. This is two in one. Some awesome Not Dead Yet players (thank you, guys - you rock!) reported how bad the game was performing in their machines. We swear we've been investigating the cause of that for weeks, but never really got into a conclusion. What we've done instead is: giving players the ability to lower their graphics quality. In-game, just press 'Esc' and go to Settings -> Graphics and tweak to whatever works best for you. We noticed performance bumps (in FPS) of >1000% (yeah - you read it right, one thousand percent).

General changes

  • No more repeated Perks! We know how frustrating it was to invest your precious Research Token and see it outputting 3 Perks of the same kind. Oh man, sorry about that. Anyways - that's now properly addressed! You won't ever received redundant options anymore! highfive
  • Several UI improvements. I mean, really - we improved lots of things in the UI. It is now supposed to be smoother than ever. Not only that, but easier for newcomers. Please, let us know what you think...
  • Added the 'Joining Server...' indicator. Multiplayer people were always thinking they were not connecting to friends when trying to join their servers. Turns out it was just bad user experience. When one joined another game, we never really displayed a proper feedback. Not anymore, yep yep.
  • Added an option to invert mouse X and Y axis. How could we forgot about people playing with their mouse at the left hand? We are really sorry, my friends -- but thanks to a specific feedback/report, this is no longer a problem! Just go to your settings and tweak how you want to invert your axes from there! (Thank you tons, Umbert!)


  • Fixed a bug/exploit where players could buy the weapon they were already equipping. When used with the Sustainable Mind Perk, things were going wild (if you know what I mean).
  • Fixed a bug where the Hazmat Zombie was applying damage across walls.
  • Fixed a bug where people weren't able to pick rewards at their Personal Storages one by one - they only had the 'Take All' option.


Rescue Wave

  • It now always last 120 seconds.

War Paint (Perk)

  • It is now a Common Perk instead of a Rare (expect to see it more often)

Vulcan (Weapon)

  • Damage: From 30 to 33 (buff)
  • Headshot Multiplier: From 1.7x to 2.0x (buff)
  • Cost: From 450 Cash to 400 (buff)

SKS (Weapon)

  • Primary Clip: From 30 to 10 (nerf)

What's next?

Our current mid-term goal is to finish the Act 1 of the game (#spoilers). That requires several subsystems to be released, including Boss Battles -- and that's exactly what we're doing. We are portion by portion releasing stuff that march towards that goal. We can't reveal everything right now, but we can definitely anticipate the Act 2 is approaching - and with it, the new map (almost) everyone (Not Dead Yet players) asked for!

Fasten your belts and be patient that we're just getting started. ;)

That's it, people!

Have anything to share? Please do through our Discord Channel or give us a shoutout on Twitter!

Windows Not Dead Yet (BASE) Depot 1060161
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Unused Not Dead Yet (DEV) Depot 1060164
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