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Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail update for 5 March 2021

v0.10.15 rev.37132

Share · View all patches · Build 6337179 · Last edited 5 March 2021 – 17:39:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  1. Fixed an issue where retreat fleet objective didn't ignore player's boats left behind
  2. Fixed wrong soldiers facing after an oblique move (WIP)
  3. Fixed a case in Flamborough Head mission that could lead to false Defeat
  4. Updated naval guns statistics
  5. Increased naval guns efficiency against a crew
  6. Increased ship surrender probability when suffering severe damages or heavy crew casualties
  7. Changed US heavy frigate class name to "United States"
  8. Increased the max cannon weight limit for United States class frigates
  9. Increased the lower deck max cannon weight limit for the 1st Rate Ship of the Line
  10. Blocked rivers navigation in Valcour Island map
  11. Improved wind changes for Battle of Yarmouth and Blockade Derna missions
  12. Various minor fixes/improvements
UA AoS Depot Depot 1069651
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