- Added a new game mode, challenge. There are three challenges at the moment, Battlegrounds, Breach, and Boss Rush, and each has its own special ruleset.
- Added a new armor set, the Panzer with its variations.
- Added 6 new poses to the photographing mode.
- Added new Visual Effects when transitioning into Extended and Empowered Combo for melee attacks.
- Added new camera tracking system and shifting for close combat.
- Added new range weapons stances.
- Added 20 new Close Combat (Assaulters and Grips) and 6 new Shield (Handles and Shells) parts.
- Added Primal Quarks into the game. Primal Quarks are another version of the Quarks players faced before, with new and stronger attacks.
- Improved enemy spawning mechanics. Now bosses will always have the most basic Quarks in their area to help players replenish ammo.
- Improved most bosses' attack patterns, behaviors, and reworked some of the bosses to be more challenging. They will also have varying attacks in different difficulties.
- Improved most Quarks attack patterns to have them attack roughly much more frequently from every direction when they surround a player.
- Increased Credits gain multipliers from various sources.
- Improved Thrusters VFX
- Improved UI effects and optimization, you might now see some distortion with some notifications and menus. There is also a slight skewing in various UI to provide a more "monitor screen" feel to the game.
- Improved mission selection UI.
- Improved input responsiveness, players should now be able to continue moving after an interruption.
- Improved Mission 8 performance.
Composite Nanorobotics, Full Metal Jacket, and Binary Monarch has been split into two nodes. Their downsides have also been split between these two nodes, so players can choose how they want to approach these benefits and downsides.
Replaced Energy Regulator and Overdrive Systems with a more generic node as well as playstyle changer node, providing more methods to tinker with benefits and demerits.
Replaced Efficient Thrusters II and Afterburners II with a situational boost tech, providing something similar to an invincibility frame at the moment at the cost of Fuel Burn Rate. Please check them out.
Adjusted Close Combat weapons stopping power, they will now stop enemies more frequently.
Slightly adjusted Close Combat combo damage for both ground and air attacks. Latter parts of the attack combo will hit for more damage than combo starts and dash attacks.
Removed Weight calculations from all weapons. With that said, we have also reduced other stats that are tied to acceleration from almost every node to balance the benefits gained from the removal of weights except for nodes that are dedicated to acceleration itself.
ALL shooters have their damage tweaked by a very little margin (around +- 5%).
Detonator ammo is reduced by around 50% unless you invested into Magazine Load, which will reduce that number to around a 25% nerf instead.
Adjusted warhead bullet launcher's damage multiplier to be higher by around 40%.
Adjusted bullet and energy cell drop algorithm and enemy spawn in boss rooms. As long as you defeat the constantly spawning Quarks, you will have ammo.
Adjusted enemy's property weakness down a notch. Using the advantage property will now deal up to 50% more damage to enemies.
Removed Nitrogenic Slugs and added a generic node alongside another non-generic node.
Redistributed blueprints droplist. Story missions will be a more targeted drop while Hunting Grounds have a larger drop pool and Challenge Missions have the largest amount of blueprints available.
Moved Weapon Slots related nodes towards Resource and Item drop nodes. Players that have more weapons that allowed equipment will not be forced to remove them, but you will not be able to re-equip them unless you developed the new weapon slot nodes.
Reworked most of the property damage nodes as well as shield-based nodes to promote the playstyle properly.
Balancing Hydraulics has been integrated into Protective Coating and Saintess Bulwark. They now have an increased total attack buff on lowering shields. Balancing Hydraulics is also replaced with a shield node that provides another shield-based playstyle.
Adjusted Photograph Mode BGM to our own original soundtrack.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some parts' decals not showing correctly on some parts.
- Fixed some parts disorientation.
- Fixed Accelerated Boosters not able to be equipped correctly in its tier.
- Fixed shields recovery not working correctly with nodes that reduce shields regeneration.
- Fixed some bugs that could cause crashes in Mission 8.
- Fixed a notorious flashbang bug that happens randomly when painting parts.
0.6.1 + 0.6.2 + 0.6.3 + 0.6.4 + 0.6.5 Hotfixes
Fixed a typo on various places, please report them in and we'll fix them in the following hotfixes or update.
Reduced stamina damage of Auto, Ray, and Detonator shooters. Increased stamina damage of Wave shooters.
Reduced Gates of Ascension 2nd area boss Ultimate damage reduced by 20%.
Reduced Gates of Ascension 2nd area boss Ultimate's projectile numbers and speed to make it easier to dodge.
Adjusted Gates of Ascension 2nd area boss behaviors, it is now more responsive.
Fixed a bug that somehow made Gates of Ascension 5th area boss stood still or run into walls, it is now more active and befitting of a last boss.
Optimised enemy waves in Void Convergence more to reduce FPS drops in later waves with how much enemy projectiles are spawning.
Changed Blizzard Core functionality to prevent an unintended exploit of the tech.
Adjusted combo transition speed to make game flow for close combat better.
Adjusted spear pose hilarious self-clipping bug.
Fixed a lot of typo once again
Added descriptions on nodes like Composite Nanorobotics and Powered Nanorobotics to show they can stack with each other on their durability gain effect.
Fixed battle report screen showing blank pages instead of rewards.
Demo updated to 0.6.5
Re-introduced Texture streaming into the game. This will speed up game-startup and most likely fix launch problems for players showing only a black screen, sometimes resulting in fatal errors from not having enough VRAM or massive FPS drops. Some players might face lower-than-expected resolution for their textures. Please know that it is due to the game trying to maintain your FPS and performance. Consider lowering some options to help with the issue if faced with one.
Adjusted Story Mission "Unexpected Coordination" to not have the ally able to get destroyed.
Passive playstyle has emerged and it is deemed extremely strong. While we like everything to feel strong and have a variety of playstyle available, some concerns came up about it being stronger than active playstyle. We're nerfing the highest offenders by the following:
Saintess Bulwark added punishment, while guarding, -15% total attack.
Cryo-Coated Metals, Blizzard Core, Voltage Overload will not proc on-hit effects like Nanorobotics anymore.
Fixed a bug where item drops are extremely concentrated on one spot
Fixed Gates of Ascension 1st boss Ultimate skills not showing its full particle effects
More typo fixing!
Fixed some poses in Photography Mode that did not have a good grip on their weapon.
Fixed Hunting Grounds 2: Snowfield Custodian not spawning enemies if certain conditions are met.
Known Bugs: If you're one of the people facing these problems, please report it to us in Discord as we are trying to reproduce and fix the problem.
- Unable to use "Abort Mission, Restart Mission, and Options" functions.
- In Campaign and Hunting Grounds, some times there are enemies left over but the mission is completed.
- Decals cannot be placed on a specific parts of an armor.
- Sometimes, input does not register and you're unable to do anything for a few seconds.
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Changed files in this update