We have just released Map Editor Update!
We are opening the map editor for everyone, so you can create your own levels and play them with your friends in multiplayer mode. We realized that creating first map is not straight-forward process, so we implemented a map generator. This article uncovers how the generator was implemented. You can find the full changelog at the end of the article.
Result of the new map generator without any further edits.
Terrain Representation
Let’s uncover first how the terrain is represented, so we can explain the generator later.
Terrain is grid of small quad polygons, shaped and shaded by several bitmaps – distance between adjacent pixels correspond to one meter in the game. In addition to bitmaps, terrain makes use of several JSON config files linking other resources (like textures).
- Height map shapes the terrain. Lighter the pixels, higher the location.
- Terrain map chooses between two terrain textures specified in terrain JSON config. Black selects the first texture, white the second one, any shade of gray mixes them together.
- Color map affects terrain color. It can be used for darkening some terrain regions.
- Doodads map affects placement of „clutter“ models – usually grass or rocks. Doodads bitmap allows using all three channels to place models from three groups of models described in doodads JSON configs.
See full release about code behind map generator with code snippets on our blog.
- map editor now open to everyone
- map generator
- lighting & fog
- basic waypoints for bots
- custom maps in multiplayer mode
Filip, Michal, Vojta**
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Changed files in this update