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Cathedral 3-D update for 5 March 2021

Patch 1.4 OUT NOW

Share · View all patches · Build 6336215 · Last edited 5 March 2021 – 15:09:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

_Hey Monsters, this is Giorgio from Feardemic.

The recent influx of new players pushed the developer to work harder on improving the game experience, hence why we are pleased to announce that a new update has just been released on Steam.

And yes, that annoying lag issue has finally been solved! Keep the feedback coming - we are always listening.

By the way — we haven't forgot about support for Mac and Linux, and the promised additional content. Keep ready for patch 1.5 next month and be ready to expect new maps, game modes, and even more surprising stuff...

Lastly, one interesting fact: so far not a single player managed to defeat The Hand – the mysterious entity mentioned in the 'how to play' section. This also means nobody has found the way to beat the game yet (yes, you've read that right, there's an endgame condition), so we are considering some spicy contest idea to challenge everyone to do their best...

Keep following this hub to find out more!



  • Significant performance upgrades due to optimized physics engine and renderer.
  • New prettier clouds.
  • New glossy shader on stained glass and new blood splashes.
  • Small UI upgrades (e.g. proper checkboxes in the settings menu).


  • Fixed an infamous issue that caused stuttering on certain hardware configurations.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally made archers and wizards invisible.
  • The chest will no longer move horizontally when the player jumps on top of it.
  • Disabled a glitch that allowed the player to repeatedly drop chest, jump on top of it, then grab it and jump again. It was hilarious to watch, but it was time to fix it.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally made the game launching as a background process on some versions of Windows.
  • Fixed a glitch that occasionally made fire effects over burning enemies appearing as straight vertical lines.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally made secondary light sources (e.g. pickups) disappearing during the gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue with the blending of some visual effects.
Windows 64-bit Cathedral 3-D Content Depot 1091591
  • Loading history…
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