In this update I've added a save/resume system, added some new (hidden) achievements. And fixed the end game crash (when exiting). If you encounter any issues please let us know! Miner Lou Discord.
Saving & Resuming
Your progress is automatically saved each round. You may resume your last played game with the 'Resume' button in the main menu. This save slot can be cleared by 'Confirming' a level from the level select screen.
Achievements also have changed and some that were not being tracked properly are now correctly logging things like killing blows, damage dealt, Lou Knockouts etc. I've also added several new (hidden) achievements.
Level Complete achievements are now only granted upon reaching the end of a level (victory of defeat). For arcade levels like there are now you must reach at least round 30 to unlock this achievement. Completing these achievements unlocks the next level as usual.
Fixes & Changes
Miner Lou now uses a new library to communicate with Steam. This addresses an issue where the client could sometimes crash when exiting the game.
The game should no longer quit and crash, or quit and show the game still running with this change!
Changed files in this update