Good afternoon airport CEO!
We hope your multi-floor endeavors are going well. We've kept ourselves busy the last few days with tending to your bug reports and are today back with a new stabilizing deployment for the default branch, i.e. Alpha 31 and the multi-floor update. The fixes in this update are of course also already deployed on the experimental branch, and we'll be keeping them aligned as Alpha 32 is prepared for default deployment.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: We've adjusted the size of the stairs for this update (as a result of user feedback). This means that when you boot into your airport, they will be offset and ground beneath will be visible. They will still work but you'll need to rebuild them to make sure it all looks good and that they are placed correctly.
Here's the patch notes for the first Alpha 31 fix update:
Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 31.6-2
ACEO-14465] - Decreased stairs length
ACEO-14561] - Additional logging added to deal with ACEO-10338
ACEO-14566] - Lacking requirements dialog panel now reveals what requirements missing when attempting to purchase a product
ACEO-13398] - Queue overlay doesn't show on upper floors
ACEO-14445] - Persons using urinal can't properly relief themselves
ACEO-14461] - Airport lights toggling always delayed
ACEO-14478] - Uncaught NullReferenceException in passenger behavior validation method can cause all passengers to stall
ACEO-14491] - Investigation UI for person's failed path not visible through various floor configurations
ACEO-14493] - Security staff in certain cases instantly teleport to transit structure when entering security check-point area due to wall built on checkpoint edge
ACEO-14497] - In-world notification icon too small
ACEO-14501] - Incompatible alpha setting for shader can cause tools to render transparent background on some GPUs
ACEO-14506] - Uncaught deserialization exception on employee resumes can case loading of game to break
ACEO-14563] - Object selection overlay doesn't show on upper floors
ACEO-14565] - Procurement container requirements text clips text
Changed files in this update