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From The Depths update for 27 June 2019 released (multi-threading, menus and more)

Share · View all patches · Build 3961563 · Last edited 27 June 2019 – 18:05:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi all,
Excited to say is now live. Main focus has been performance improvements via multi-threading. Early testers are seeing extremely significant improvements in frame rate (50% to 100%). The other focus has been on tidying up the main menu, in game menu and tutorial system. The breadboard system has seen a lot of improvements and a number of quite serious bugs have been addressed, including fixes and improvements to Drills and Repair bots.

v2.4.6 [Add] <ACB>: ACB can now stop a sound block playing a sound
v2.4.6 [Add] <Block>: Mannequin block added. Options to automatically set pose still to come
v2.4.6 [Add] <Blocks>: A video block has been added (in Decoration)
v2.4.6 [Add] <Breadboard>: Added input with information about the flagship of the fleet
v2.4.6 [Add] <Breadboard>: Added input with information about the point the AI tries to steer towards
v2.4.6 [Add] <Breadboard>: Added optional grid to the breadboards. Modules will snap to it if enabled
v2.4.6 [Add] <Breadboard>: Breadboards now evaluate off the main thread
v2.4.6 [Add] <Breadboard>: Scroll wheel now zooms in and out on the breadboard
v2.4.6 [Add] <Breadboard>: The 'del' key can now also be used to delete in- and output
v2.4.6 [Add] <Breadboard>: You can now zoom in and out in the breadboard
v2.4.6 [Add] <Drills>: Drill bit/extension armour class is improved when drill is spinning
v2.4.6 [Add] <Environment>: Seagulls now circle vehicles and avatars (as well as the camera) when the opportunity arises
v2.4.6 [Add] <Environment>: You can now change the number of seagulls, or turn them off altogether
v2.4.6 [Add] <Game>: Added a cinematic block-by-block spawn option for vehicles in designer
v2.4.6 [Change] <AI>: Changed the maximum for the adjuster disable range setting of the charge behaviour to 2000m
v2.4.6 [Change] <APS>: Autoloaders save the shell they have chambered- this removes extra ammo usage on vehicle spawn
v2.4.6 [Change] <Controls>: You can now command an AI to attack a specific target (using E interface) regardless of if it has a target prioritisation card on
v2.4.6 [Change] <Game>: FTD no longer changes 'unity scenes' between different modes- it just cleans out rubbish from the old mode and loads in the new stuff. It's faster and more stable this way- but if any rubbish is left over, let us know.
v2.4.6 [Change] <Game>: Item thumbnails in the inventory now load asyncronosly so they do not pause the main thread when you change inventory page.
v2.4.6 [Change] <Menus>: Main menu and in game menus restyled
v2.4.6 [Change] <Sounds>: CW Laser sound now diminishes over time to to make it less annoying when constantly firing
v2.4.6 [Change] <Steam>: Steam engine crank parts have been moved to a different rendering system.
v2.4.6 [Change] <Threading>: All projectiles are calculated off the main thread now
v2.4.6 [Change] <Threading>: Connection of block subsystems is now done off the main thread
v2.4.6 [Change] <Threading>: Creation of chunked meshes is now done off the main thread
v2.4.6 [Change] <Threading>: Pathfinding now allocates much less temporary memory
v2.4.6 [Change] <Threading>: Power creation, usage and controllable blocks all processed off the main thread now
v2.4.6 [Change] <Threading>: Rams are more efficiently processed now
v2.4.6 [Change] <Threading>: Some repair logic and all detection logic calculations calculated off the main thread
v2.4.6 [Change] <Threading>: Terrain generation now runs much faster and with smaller memory allocations
v2.4.6 [Change] <Tutorials>: Game supports the use of 'gifs' in interactive tutorial scenes to help guide player- we've added one so far.
v2.4.6 [Change] <Tutorials>: On completion of a tutorial segment you are prompted to pick another one to complete (three options provided).
v2.4.6 [Change] <Tutorials>: Quizes have been removed from the tutorial content
v2.4.6 [Change] <Tutorials>: Tutorial content interface updated
v2.4.6 [Fix] <ACB>: ACB can now control the new GP-PIDs properly [BUGS-725]
v2.4.6 [Fix] <ACB>: Fixed [FTDSCRUM-288] ACB list of blocks to execute not updated properly with blocks added/removed to/from spinblocks
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Adventure mode>: Multiple bugs fixed for adventure mode. Moving through warp gates no longer needs to physically reposition everything in the world, which is nice.
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Breadboard>: Fixed A, B, C, D and E drives of the propulsion module all affecting the A drive
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Campaign>: [BUGS-887] Fixed a bug regarding the spawning of a vehicle with coloured particle cannon in campaign
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Drills>: Fixed a number of bugs with drills and made them more dangerous
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Game>: [BUGS-322] out of play drones (of a mothership force) no longer have fuel costs associated with their movement
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Game>: [BUGS-322] out of play fuel consumption of forces now correctly stops when the force is not moving, and is proportional to the movement speed of the force
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Lua>: Lua errors are now logged in the Lua box again [BUGS-769]
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Map editor>: [BUGS-793] Fixed map editor error when adding a new weather system
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Missiles>: [BUGS-629] Fixed LWCs not dropping bombs
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Modding>: The build guide capture, added in 2.4.5, now actually works
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Multiplayer>: Blueprint spawners are now moderately supported in multiplayer- but not fully functional. Previously their spawns were not syncronised at all.
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Regressions>: [BUGS-924] Barrels of guns not placed forwards on the construct were rendered in wrong position
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed mimic rendering issue where the mesh normals were not correctly stretched
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed threading issues affecting propulsion / control systems / physics that were created in
v2.4.6 [Fix] <Repairing>: [BUGS-948] Fixed repair bugs (the repair-self block's repair bots)

Windows 32-bit From The Depths Windows Depot 268651
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macOS From The Depths Mac Depot 268652
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Unused From The Depths Linux Depot 268653
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Windows 64-bit From The Depths Windows 64 Depot 268654
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Linux From The Depths Linux 64 Depot 268655
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