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The Capture Worlds update for 27 June 2019

V 0.35 Patch notes

Share · View all patches · Build 3960954 · Last edited 27 June 2019 – 15:05:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing great!
Here are the patch notes for the update V0.35

The main feature of this patch is:
The new Emoticons

For now this can be accessed by pressing the "R2" button that by default it’s mapped to the “page down” key while you are controlling your character.

For now there are some simple emoticons like waving,crying,lay down , some dances and others.

This new system is setup so it can be easily expanded so it may be integrated to the modding support.

Other changes to mention:

Added an innkeeper girl so you can get free food and water in the town.

You can find here in the guild’s building

The HUD for the Food and Water levels was changes they
will blink with a red color when they are under 20%

Animation and effect for when recalling your monster was added

Running effect was added

Portable Bed was added ,this can be used to sleep while in the tower

You can use it to restore hp or skip the night, you can get them from the
General shop for $100 (they will not be saved so next time you visit the tower it will be gone)

Drinking and Eating now have animations
The Items that drop now they will levitate after a while and won’t keep rolling.
Added a Sleeping Screen
The Maps in the tower now load at least once each before they loop back to the start gain
So you won't be seen the same map that often.
Skills of type ray/beam can be cancelled by pressing the spacebar
Speed up the animations for the pickup ,axe and pickaxe.
Fixed that the pickup animation wasn’t been played.
Fixed that you weren’t able to remove beds.
Fixed that when you defeated a monster while it was using a ray skill
the ray effect would stay sometimes.
Added the icon of the target of the quest in the quests board.
The image that is displayed when dragging now it doesn’t have a background
Removed the Limitation in the Name creation for the characters.
When added the Quest tracking text to the Hide HUD.
Fixed a bug where you couldn’t use some items from the inventory but only in the shortcuts.
Added an arrow effect to the starting tutorial since there was a chance some people wouldn't see that they had to pick up the capture card.
For now the player can’t get affected by status effect by being attacked by the wild monsters.

Over all clean up to the inventory code ,this will allow me to work on it more easily ,I will continue to do the same in other parts of the game.

What’s next?
Well i have decided to add a side quest where you have to collect map pieces by defeating the “Chronos members” and when you complete the map you will be able to go to there base and defeat there Boss. Also i will cut on the history mode to be just a middle act and a final act for now , this could change later but for now that’s the goal to get The Capture Worlds out of the early access.
Then after i finish the “Chronos Base” and the middle and final act i will change the focus to polish the gameplay and features of the game and work more in the art section to add better monsters and more npcs.

Well that would be all for this one and remember that your feedback is very important so if you have any ideas/suggestions for improvement make sure to post them this will help to make a better game!
If you find any bug while playing it would be very much appreciated if you report them on the discussions section and thanks to all of you have reported them.
That would be all for now and like always Thank you for your support! and believing in The Capture Worlds!

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