Hello there,
We wanted to add skill system in this update, but we need more time for testing and balancing. For now, it is just a new mission. It offers 6 new enemies, most of them have interesting abilities. Also you get access to new upgrade of Spearman Tower. It is Axeman Tower. It has fast attack speed and decent damage. Also you get access to Level 3 of Woman tower. It casts strong range buffs and stun enemies for 7 seconds per shot.
This map contains another cool big boss. It has several abilities. Prepare for a tough battle. We hope you will like it.
Bug Fixes and other changes
- Damage and meat cost of all Level 3 were slightly increased
- Jump fish mob ability was change. It flies for a small amount of time.
- Jump fish mob was replaced with another mob at mission 5.
- Inactive upgrades for some towers were removed.
- Fixed the bug when lives could be lost without leaking any monsters at mission 5
- Fixed some bugs which could occurs black screen at mission 5
- A lot of visual bug fixes
Skill system and updated 5th mission come with next update!
Thanks for being with us,
Changed files in this update