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On The Western Front update for 24 June 2019

Plane and Pilot Roles

Share · View all patches · Build 3947668 · Last edited 24 June 2019 – 08:25:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi all,

Major changes to air combat this update. Planes now have both roles and attributes of their own. Fighter planes remain the same as before, but recon planes are now two-seaters which take a pilot and an observer. Pilots are only responsible for evading the enemy, while observers are the ones whose Vision determines what they reveal on the ground below.

Plane stats modify air activity accordingly. For instance, a plane with a good engine will be more effective at pursuing the enemy. However, since you're only a division commander, you don't get to choose which planes you receive, so you'll have to manage plane supply accordingly. I'm hoping this adds more strategy to the air combat.

Help text has been updated with the new information, under 'Aerodrome - Roles'.


  • Planes are now separated into recon and fighter planes. Pilots in recon planes cannot perform escort roles, and vice versa. Upgrades will unlock both types.

  • Planes now have stats which vary based on different variants. Note that a higher tier plane will be more effective than a lower tier plane with the exact same stats.

  • Fixed a few bugs which were causing unnecessary performance spikes.

  • Moving the camera should now be smoother since it temporarily stops the game timer. It's a bit of a hack but both the camera movements and timer intervals are multithreaded already and thus interfere with each other if both are active. This is why the scrolling was choppy.

Thanks for playing!

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