Big update for Steam Summer Sales and HUGE discount of 80% to let you experience our game!
A super graphic restyling improves user experience.
The final version is approaching and will be ready very soon. We hope in a few months.
Enjoy the game experience for few bucks so far!
- Fixed attack animation for "Nazi Bodybuilder" boss;
- Fixed bug about "emitter points" location (all weapons);
- Fixed outro videos (both available endings) not triggering when they were supposed to;
- Fixed bug forcing your character to shoot when opening for the first time the Pause menu;
- Fixed bug maximizing ammo for a non-equipped weapon even without finding refills;
- Fixed bug not allowing to pick-up secondary weapon's ammo if not actively equipped;
- Fixed bug allowing to pick-up ammo drops even not having a compatible weapon in the inventory;
- Fixed end of game menu flow not always allowing the user to come back to the main menu;
- Added attack animation for "Ockham's Razor" weapon;
- Added characters' missing death animation;
- Added scores screen when ending level 5 and level 7;
- Added 10 destructible objects to increase environmental variety;
- Added destructible props in the boss rooms in order to find ammo and medikits;
- Added hiding spots in final boss's fight;
- Updated tiles covering each wall's edge (all walls - all levels);
- Added Camera Shake effect for environmental explosions, boss kills and critical hits;
- Added missing collider to "cage" sprite;
- Added red outline graphic effect to ammo crates when they cannot be picked-up;
- Added graphic effect to permanently block Power-Up icon once maximum level is reached;
- Added sound effect when getting hit;
- Added pop-up warning about losing all DNA points when exiting POWER-UPS screen;
- Added tile with skull warning you're about to enter a boss room;
- New sprite for ammo crates;
- Implemented massive balancing rework over all boss fights to make them more consistent across the 3 phases those battles are made of;
- Implemented level 2 doors (as they were the ones from level 1);
- Updated skins for melee weapons making them now more functional;
- “Sadist” and “Dynamo” sets get updated on graphic effects and damage delivered;
- Updated colliders for all melee weapons;
- Redesigned mechanics concerning "Cyborg" boss;
- Intro video now updated with new graphic design;
- Improved graphics for all the main characters, the bosses and the enemies to better stand them out from the background;
- Improved camera view during boss fights;
- Improved weapons pivot point on characters' hands;
- Improved some objects' sprites and colliders in multiple levels;
- Mapped "i" key to quickly access (and exit) Inventory menu;
- Created a unique graphic design for each boss room and also added a dedicated corridor for each of them;
- Reworked most levels' tiles design;
- Lowered total HP for "Panzer" boss.
Changed files in this update