Dear Stormworkers,
This week we have made some updates to winches. We have added a new, very long winch (500m!) intended for use with remote operated submersibles and other functions.
Winch cables are now more buoyant and will float on the surface of the water. They also all now transmit fluid via new fluid nodes.
In response to feedback, we have spent time this week looking at the electrical system and have made further changes. Generators and motors now operate at around 75-90% efficiency (with larger being more efficient). Generators convert more torque into electric, the faster they spin, meaning their resistance gets higher with rotation speed. The new balance is closer to what is expected while still ending infinite power designs.
We hope you enjoy the new winch mechanics!
In the background, we are also working on the next major update (focused on improving fps) and we are hard at work.
Much Love <3
The Stormworks Developers
Patch Notes
Feature - Added Huge Winch component (cable length of 500m, renamed other winch components accordingly)
Feature - Added fluid nodes to all winches and deprecated old fluid hose
Feature - Winch cables have buoyancy
Fix - Multiple electricity system rebalances
Fix - Rebalanced generators and motors to have greater efficiency
Fix - Generator resistance increases with speed
Fix - Rebalanced basic wheels to not generate as much electric
Fix - Robotic velocity pivots consume 10x more electric
Fix - Fixed underscore missing from base character set
Changed files in this update