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Trials of Fire update for 21 June 2019

Trials of Fire Patch 0.12 now Live

Share · View all patches · Build 3942057 · Last edited 21 June 2019 – 14:55:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Early Access Build v0.12 Patch Notes


Hi guys,

This week’s updates sees a number of big balance changes to make difficulty of each run a bit more consistent.

The main change is to the way Healing Herbs work now so you have a much better idea of the resources available to you on each leg of your journey. Also added a new option for your unwanted Skill Cards (Defence) for a bit more flexibility in your strategy as well as an option for experienced (and players just in it for the tactics/strategy) to view the outcomes of story choices if that is how you want to play.
More new features incoming next week.

Please get on Discord and let us know your thoughts on all these changes!

Big Changes
• Any unspent cards that are still in the Recycle Shrine at the end of your turn are converted into Defence on a 1-1 basis. This was added to give you more options for your cards and give you a more reliable way to defend your Heroes.
• Major balance changes to Healing Herbs. These changes are to make the difficulty of a quest less random and dependent on the number of Healing Herbs discovered as well as driving you on to the story goal.
o Healing Herbs now heal more health (1/2 Maximum) and it only takes 1 herb to heal an injury.
o You now receive more healing herbs at the start of the quest and can get a re-stock at each quest objective.
o Healing herbs can be found in encounters but are very rare.
• Rebalanced the ability damage curves for higher cost cards to increase the viable usage of higher cost cards (see card changes below).
• Bed Down option has now been removed from camping. You will always gain health when resting in a sheltered location.
• Added an option, ‘Story Choice Spoilers’ to the options menu. This option will show the potential outcomes to most story choices. Only use this option if you’re not interested in the story – just a mechanical playthrough – or if you’ve seen everything and want to help your memory without referring to notes/a wiki!

• Renamed ‘Combo Attack’ to ‘Combo Strike’ (since a Combo Strike is NOT an attack).
• Added ‘Story Choice Spoilers’ option to the Options Menu

Balance Changes
• See above
• You can now play a Power if you already have 4 active, but you will need to choose one of the existing Powers to discard. (Don’t forget you can undo if you decide you were better off before).

Card Changes
• ‘Ricochet Shot’ – Increased damage to 3-5 from 2-4.
• ‘Head Shot’ – Decreased damage to 2 and cost to 2.
• ‘Fireball’ – Decreased cost to 4.
• ‘Eldritch Grasp’ – Increased damage to 3.
• ‘Frost Bolt’ – Decreased damage to 1 and cost to 1.
• ‘Wide Sweep’ – Increased damage to 5.
• ‘Sun Fire’ – Removed range restriction.
• ‘Rally’ – Increased cost to 2 and Willpower gain to 4.
• ‘Perfect Aim’ – Reduced cost to 1.

Significant Bugs
• Fixed an issue not allowing you to use cards for a couple of seconds at the start of your turn sometimes, making the game feel unresponsive.

Content Updates
• A handful of new items and cards added for this update.

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