The SteamVR beta has been updated with the following changes.
If you encounter issues with this update, please post in the SteamVR Bug Report forum. If possible, please include a system report to aid in tracking down your issue.
- Fix a deadlock that could happen when plugging or unplugging Lighthouse tracked objects.
- Fixed a crash in internal web code.
SteamVR Home:
- Changed default Index Controller bindings to use joystick for tools, instead of trackpad.
SteamVR Input:
- Fixed bug when trying to use DPAD and Grab Modes as chords.
- Fixed issue that prevented “touch” value for Index Controller grip buttons from ever being true.
Valve Index Controller Firmware
- Finger tracking: This update further improves the logic for adapting to a wide range of hand sizes and shapes. This feature applies to consumer Index controllers as well as DV or newer dev kit controllers.
- Improved trackpad automatic sensitivity calibration.
- Improved wireless link quality when paired with Index HMDs.
- Reduced the occurrence of controller tracking dropouts.
Valve Index HMD Firmware
- Improved wireless link quality when paired with Index controllers.
- Fixed offset between Guardian bounds and Chaperone floor bounds when both are enabled.
- Fixed some sources of error 204 and added additional logging after Oculus runtime initialization errors. If you are still seeing error 204 or error 1114 and you have up to date Oculus software, please post a SteamVR system report to the SteamVR Bug Report forum.
Extra notes