We’re really down to the wire for the 1.0 and console release! How down to the wire? Well, let me put it this way: This is likely the second-to-last major beta update that the game will have. Expect a release date announcement very soon!... For real this time!
For more info on the current state of development, check out my "What’s Being Worked On" post on the forums.
This update’s “Double Fortnight Discussion”: Final Thoughts Free-For-All.
Beta 79
- Fix for cases where gib animations would not appear when other players are gibbed in online multiplayer
- Fix for shadow positioning on a number of items
- Fixed medium lighting on certain buildings
- Fix for issue where black spots could appear on the camera in split-screen mode on medium lighting if the player starts the game near a door
- Fix for NPCs appearing to have frozen effect or flashing effect colors when out of the player’s vision range in Rogue Vision mode
- Fix for Slavemaster's eye color not being change-able
UI / Controls
- Player can access the main menu by pressing Esc after completing levels
- More consistent timing during varying frame rates when scrolling through main menu by holding down gamepad buttons
- Fix for holding down gamepad buttons to scroll through the main menu not working with vsync turned off
- Fix for player not being able to teleport on grass outside of Upper-Cruster homes
- When targeting with the red/green target cursor, fix for objects not being highlighted if the player moves
- Fix for red/green target potentially remaining on-screen after the level has finished
- Fix for dragged item potentially remaining on-screen after the level has finished
- Fix for end-game dialogue box not appearing with correct proportions if the player completes the game after skipping the tutorial in certain sections
- Fix for NPC info appearing if the player presses space bar while chatting
- Player can open the Stats screen while dizzy or otherwise incapacitated
- Fix for player being able to drop an item and use it at the same time by using shift + right mouse + left mouse
- Fix for cases where item could remain in toolbar after being used if player right-clicked the slot at the same time the item was added to the slot
- Fix for certain main menu interface elements being visible at incorrect times on ultrawide monitors
Playfield Objects
- Fix for hitbox issues with bullets when standing too close to a large boulder and tree
- Fix for head-based armor not being unequipped when dying on multiplayer client
- If the player's armor is destroyed, and they have another piece of armor of the same type, that armor will be equipped
- Hard Hat starts with 75 durability instead of 100 and its base price is $60 instead of $70
- Combat Helmet base price is $80 instead of $100
- Quick-Escape Teleporter will not trigger when the player crosses a broken window
- Ghosts spawned by destroying gravestones will sometimes have money (other ghosts have it all the time)
- Fix for thief not dropping certain un-droppable items after they steal them from you and then die
- If the player has multiple copies of an item that they normally can't drop, they'll be able to drop the item
- Fix for Water Pistol description incorrectly stating that it has two status effects if two water pistols with different status effects are picked up (it may only have 1)
- Fix for items with "charges" (like Fud Processor) not being given to NPCs properly (only 1 charge was lost)
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
- Lock and Load trait costs more when creating a custom character
- Perfumorous affects NPCs who are Annoyed at the player
- Player cannot receive Dizzy while Crazy-Dizzy, and vice versa
- Fix for Werewolf party members not turning into Werewolf if they follow the player to a new level
- Fix for Shapeshifter retaining Super Special Abilities if the player possesses and depossesses someone whose big quest they had completed, and had not completed Shapeshifter’s Big Quest
- Fix for cases where player would get to choose from more traits than they were supposed to at the end of levels in online multiplayer
- Fix for cases where player could lose collision detection after being knocked back while standing on ice
- Cop Bots and Slaves take a bit longer to explode after death
- Added “Success” sound effect to a bunch of spots when pressing objects’ context buttons
- Fix for Electro Touch sound effect not always playing on multiplayer client
- Fix for certain sound effects not playing in local coop mode after player 1 had exited the level
- Fix for "Close Menu" sound effect playing over other sound effects when buying from Augmentation Booth
Stats / Unlocks
- Secret Shapeshifter NPCs are marked as Guilty
- Player receives skill points for killing NPCs by poisoning water
- Fix for rare cases where Zombies could be considered Innocent
- Fix for some cases where player would receive a mission involving people he was initially aligned with
Big Quests
- Hacker can teleport after installing malware if all Cop Bots in the level are dead
- Player can teleport during Zombies disaster if all Zombies are dead
- Player can teleport during Lockdown disaster if all enforcers are dead
Level Generation
- Levels are generated using a new method that ties into the internal level editor I’ve been developing, and should result in very slightly faster loading
- Changed spawn rate of initially-peaceful ghosts in graveyards
Artificial Intelligence
- Fix for Cops during Police Lockdown not becoming hostile when seeing you move underneath a cardboard box
- When you threaten someone to leave town, they will become Neutral towards you if they were previously Friendly, Loyal or Aligned
- Fix for cases where party members would run off to attack someone far away instead of the hostile NPC in front of them
- NPCs will not become hostile toward the player as a result of their hostility toward someone aligned to the player due to Random Reverence
- Former slaves will be hostile toward the player if they have Resurrection and their Slave Helmet blows up
- Fix for some AI confusion that could occur during combat after an NPC’s default behavior goes from hanging around a location to wandering
- Fix for NPCs not always saying dialogue when threatened
- Added a small bit of clarification to Level 1-2 sign in regards to Cops protecting property owners
- Fix for weird characters appearing when typing in input fields in Linux version
- Fix for credits list cutting off the last lines when being viewed from the main menu
- Fix for players sometimes appearing to float in water when they are on land in online multiplayer
- Fix for NPCs sometimes appearing to get up after having been killed on multiplayer client on slow connections
- Fix for more cases where NPCs could walk into walls during combat on slow connections
- Fix for cases where traits and inventory items on the host player were not known to client players
- More safeguards against players spawning into levels as ghosts on host when they are not actually ghosts
Saved Games
- Custom characters are now stored in the /CloudData/Characters/ folder instead of just /Characters
- Cloud saving for custom characters works properly cross-platform (PC/Mac/Linux)
- AlienFX lighting should always shut off properly when the game is exited
- Work on console-specific stuff
- Work on changes for free edition of the game
- Work on upcoming “Making Of” content
Changed files in this update