It's finally here! Battle the C.E.O. in his helicopter on the roof of The Compound!
You can now play the game from start to finish, though proper 'endings' will come in a future update. There is still much more content to come! This update took much longer than expected as I had to make huge changes internally but now it's done updates should start coming a lot faster.
Some more screenshots:
- Boss battle! Fight the C.E.O. in his helicopter on the roof of The Compound! (new boss enemy with multiple attack patterns, new hand crafted map, new music)
- Official Valve Index support! (Please remember to reset your options if you change hardware)
- New element to wrist HUD: Stored weapon is displayed
- New element to wrist HUD: Larger, clearer text indicating if you have been spotted or not
- Completely revamped skybox for all maps (clouds, moon, stars visible)
- Slight buff to max shotgun ammo
- Lobby 2 size reduced slightly
- Fixed drone type enemy's occasional 'bouncy' movement
- Fixed a bug where you could make your hand temporarily disappear
- Fixed an issue where drones could phase through walls if the game was left on pause for too long
- Stopped signs spawning inside cover objects on sewer levels
- Drones should no longer get stuck outside of the map
Also many more misc. fixes and adjustments. This update took much longer than intended but now it's out, updates should come much faster. P.S. please report any issues to the forums. You can always roll back to an older version in the BETAS tab under right-clicking COMPOUND and selecting Properties.
Thank you for playing COMPOUND!
Changed files in this update