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Lovely Planet 2: April Skies update for 19 June 2019

Update 3

Share · View all patches · Build 3933026 · Last edited 19 June 2019 – 12:40:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Fixes framerate and v-sync settings. Mouse movement should now be framerate independent on all settings. Also adds an in-game timer on the HUD.

We've added an extra settings menu to allow players to change more advanced settings. Select the new "..." option at the very bottom of the settings menu to access the new menu.

The in-game timer on the HUD can be toggled with the "--/--" option. Scroll through the "FPS Cap" option to set the framerate cap to 30, 60, 120 and 144, or turn it off entirely.

To make sure you're on the latest build, look for the "v3" watermark on the top right hand corner of the screen in the main menu.

Please let me know if the issue still persists for you, in the comments below or the forums. Alternatively you can also reach me directly at

Thanks for your patience!


NOTE : For all those of you who moved to the beta branch for the last update, can switch back now the default branch to receive updates. To switch to the default branch, right-click on the game in your library, select "Properties". You'll find a "Betas" tab that allows you to select between the default and beta branch.

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