Bug Fixes:
- Any Key will now cause the Title Screen to progress when it readys "Press Any Key"
- Titlescreen will no longer read "Press Return" if user is using a joystick and switches to keyboard
- Fixed crash caused by using the cloaking device in a room with creatures that have the hopper behavior.
- Fixed bug where Lil Zurvan would spawn copies of Search Burst activated item.
- Fixed visual glitch with viridian shell and dive shell combo.
- Fixed several rare issues where boss rooms could be placed without the appropriate gating.
- Fixed issue where "Very High" jump rooms could spawn at the start of underwater paths and cause soft-locks
- Fixed issue where Dash would briefly return movement controls to normal when used under confusion effect
- Fixed issue where Teleporters could be placed such that they need items from later areas to access
- Fixed issue where using Module Transmogrifier to blow up an item dropped by champions would make all future champion items unattainable.
- Fixed issue where certain enemies would trigger room lock down in Forbidden Place.
Revised Rooms:
- BuriedCity1x2Jump01 - fixed out of bounds
- CoolantSewers1x2VeryHighLeft02 - fixed stray tile
- CoolantSewers1x1JumpLeft01 - fixed potential soft-lock with slide
- CoolantSewers1x1JumpLeft01 - fixed floor
- Factory2x2AllExits02 - made jump easier
- Surface2x1DamageBlocks01 - improved camera bounds
- Surface2x1Jump01 - improved camera bounds
- Factory1x2VeryHighDownLeft01 - double-jump sequence break (and potential soft-lock) more difficult to achieve
- Cave2x1Arachnomorph01 - fixed backwards facing Wall Tumor Shooters
- BuriedCity1x2AllExit02 - fixed broken item block in lower right corner
- Cave1x2VeryHighLeft01 - can be escaped if underwater
- Cave1x2VeryHighDownRight01 - can be escaped if underwater
Balance Changes:
- ArtificeBeam now costs 1 Red, Blue, Green and 0 Gray
- The placement of bonus items is now effected by expected traversal capabilities. Items like Explorb and Master Map will no longer be placed behind gates that require the "final item", etc.
- Aura Bolt's aura doesn't destroy projectiles
- New items added to Buluc-Chabtan's item pool
- New items added to Wadjet-Mikail's item pool
- Phaserang now lets you fire multiple Phaserangs
- Phaserang has an initial velocity of 24 opposed to 16
- Phaserang DPS reduced from 35 to 24
- Phaserang won't auto deselect unless your energy is lower than the cost to fire a new rang and there are no rangs currently out.
- White Wyrm can target Co-op Players.
- Secret Boss's laser can target Co-op Players.
- Tyr's Horns now applies it's 10% champion spawn bonus before the 1/3 penalty of previously visited rooms is applied.
- Bligthbark attacks faster
- New Coolant Sewers Deathmatch map
- All Coolant Sewers Shops have new BG Palette
- Inactive teleporters provide dim light
- Input on non-Player 1 controllers brings up "Join Game" prompt
- Support for up to 3 co-op orbs
Changed files in this update