Greetings, adventurers!
While preparing for episode 6, our Anna went on a bug eradication quest. She always adds new stuff while at it, so here is what she squashed (no real bugs were actually harmed in the process!) and added:
New Stuff:
- You can now click on the Cinema Screen to watch the movie
- You can now use WASD to move
- You are now able to move character in inventory screen if you use the mouse
- Thanks to popular demand, you now have a shortcut to the Speakeasy directly from the map!
Fixed Stuff:
- You can now get back to previous options even if you do not ask the guard at City Hall what it would take to allow the protester to protest
- The janitor in the Police Station does not react when you kick the bucket anymore - well, now he does! So don't kick the bucket!
- The reading elf in Business District now has blue background color
- When you click the bedroom door, Brialynne now properly walks towards the middle of the door, not towards the corner like a savage
- When you sober up (in game, that is :D), the correct post processing is now shown
- It is no longer possible to tell Jack the fly Boy that you have removed the graffiti when you haven't even accepted the quest. This was a hard one, since Jack is.. yeah
- Cinema vendor is now an honest man and no longer sells you a ticket if you already have one
- We fixed an issue where, in rare occasions, a dialogue choice gets stuck in the lower part of the UI in dialogues. Now this is cleaned up not just when leaving a dialogue, but also when entering.
- The dialogue with Kit Wings no longer repeats the line "my clan told me not to trust orcs"
- There are misplaced roof tiles by the entrance to the Fairy and the Faun. We fixed that, given the wares sold here and the state of the customers using the facility
- "Is that a yes" with VIP guard in Speakeasy makes now actually makes sense (not that anyone remembers anything in the speakeasy)
- The Dwarf Clerk in Department Store level 2 now correctly says Besides me, and not Behind Me - please excuse tired Department Store employees!
- The charm delivery task can now be completed even if the family has moved to their home in Old Town
- The deliver herbs taskline was kindof malfunctioning, meaning, the goblins now only move if you have agreed to smuggle herbs for them.
- You can now properly introduce yourself to the Goblin Activist in Old Town
- If you talk talk to the dwarf by the wagon in Harbor and say you can talk to the goblin, you now get a task
- Loading screen - the Loading... text is no longer removed before the level has finished loading
- You can now ask Jack if he's Mr. Silvergate, and he actually gets offended by it (wink wink!)
- The stairs in Old Town Street have been ...umm, we sent a worker to fix them
- You can now jump over (or at least pretend to, and it will work!) the big hole in the ground in Old Town
- If you go to the goblins needing herbs in Old Town and you don't have the herbs, there you now get a task to get some
- The fan in Old Town telling you where Kit Wings lives is now clearer with her description, for example saying "back where you came from"
- You can now ask where the tavern in Old Town is
- The dialogue with Livnin at Livnin's Tavern is now more explicit, so that it is clear you need to talk to her
- We made it clearer where to find the Department Store
- You can no longer get the task to talk to Kit Wings's dad, when you already know where he lives
- You can now buy stuff from the vendors
- You used to rotate/twitch while in the Bedroom. We fixed your morning stretch routine!
- The text of books now always fits entirely on the pages
- When you open journal, backpack etc during dialogue, you sometimes got stuck and can't move. This should no longer happen!
- When walking up toward the kitchen door leading to living room, there used to be two sounds of a door opening. Now there is only one.
- The water and bird ambiances were too loud in Garden, and the Bird loop is too short. We toned the down and taught birds how to bird better
Changed files in this update