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Pathfinder: Kingmaker update for 10 June 2019

Update 2.0.2 - June 10, 2019

Share · View all patches · Build 3904764 · Last edited 10 June 2019 – 14:35:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Please be aware of plot spoilers in the description below!

  • Fixed crashing to the main menu when a game over was triggered during the area transition screen because the kingdom was destroyed.
  • Failed to load the saved game on Mac. Resolution: Fixed.
  • When you loaded an autosave, some modifiers were incorrectly applied to enemies multiple times. Resolution: Multiple modifiers are no longer applied. Most extra modifiers have been removed from the game saves that already had this error; however, it may not be possible to clear all the effects completely.
  • Clicking the top right Close icon (X) does not close the window. Resolution: Fixed.
  • The cutscene with Amiri killing the Defaced Sister at Flintrock Grassland failed to start if Amiri was in combat. Resolution: Fixed.
  • Some giant spiders at first levels of Tenebrous Depths had 5 AC more than they were supposed to. Resolution: Fixed.
  • Fixed the DC of spells cast by traps.
  • Now all the items are de-equipped after the respec.
  • Scroll of Death Clutch had an incorrect spell. Resolution: Fixed.
  • Russian version: changed the translation of the Slayer class.

A friendly reminder: while we deeply admire the contribution that mod authors make to our game, we would like you to remember that running custom modifications can lead to unexpected bugs and crashes. Unfortunately, if you encounter any issues while playing with mods, our team will not be able to help you. If this happens, please report these issues to the mod's original creator. Also, remember that after each game update, there is a high probability of previously installed mods not functioning properly. If you wish to play with mods anyway, disabling auto-updates might prevent your save files from becoming corrupted.

macOS 64-bit Pathfinder: Kingmaker Content Mac Depot 640825
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