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RoboVirus update for 10 June 2019

Build 0.11.0 - Bugfixes and optimizing

Share · View all patches · Build 3903779 · Last edited 10 June 2019 – 09:40:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This update has been focusing on fixing bugs and testing new features in our underlying game engine (Unity). We finished moving to a new graphics pipeline, which should mean much better FPS for many players, especially if you have lower end devices, like laptops. The graphics change also meant that we had to redo much the overall look of the game, so we decided to go and "experiment" a little :)

Unfortunately there isn't much new content this time, people are traveling through events and having their much needed vacations. Currently we are working on weapon pick-ups and new weapons, and they should be in the next release in a couple of weeks.

New graphics pipeline

This should give better performance, but changes the overall look of the game at the same time

General bug fixes and changes

  • Bots can be dashed off map
  • You can rotate the character's head with mouse in waiting lobby
  • Score screen now displays correctly the number of players
  • A cartload of stability fixes
  • Made slight balance adjustments to weapons (very experimental)
  • AI is now smarter and more aggressive

Known bugs

  • The game gets stuck occasionally when last players kill each other at the same time, or the winning player commits suicide with his last life
  • Pressing back (game pad B or ESC) in waiting lobby (where you choose your character) before you have joined doesn't return you to main menu
  • Pressing back in map select causes 2 input events to be given, and the game goes to the main menu
  • Some characters' dashing animation allows you to briefly shoot through obstacles
  • Players can stun others with dash through thinner walls
  • Bots may spawn in incorrect places in level Fissure if the platforms start moving during spawn
  • Level changing can get stuck if the game is quit during a round's end

If you have any suggestions, you can suggest them in our Steam Community Hub or in our Discord server.

RoboVirus Content Depot 1001871
  • Loading history…
Windows 64-bit RoboVirus Depot Windows Depot 1001872
  • Loading history…
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