Update #157 adds a exciting new function capability of ship components, 5 new ship components, new rules to help keep Interdictors competitive, new rules to help keep your active wing specialist pilots up to level, a major balance improvement for On Init crew combat Talents, a big wave of component rebalance and more.
It's another big update from our HQ to you -- if you're enjoying the constant stream of new content, please be sure to leave a review and rave to a friend :P
Signature Dampeners
With this update, we've added a new capability for ship components -- that of reducing deep space encounters -- with the Sig Dampener and Signal Concealment Field components. Joining the existing small slot Sig Dampener are the small slot Sig Dampener 2 and 3 and the Rychart-only Sig Veil Field. For a medium slot option, the Sig Concealment Field packs a higher reduction rate of 10% but is a larger slot investment.
When stacked, these components can reduce ship encounters up to 25% maximum. Each of them has other bonuses, adding both strong Escape bonuses and primarily Electronics and secondarily Nav Skills with some light Void Resistance on the top end options.
For those ships looking to avoid encounters and escape in the case of being forced into an encounter, these new Sig Dampener components and feature are going to be a great boon.
As an all new area, they're likely to get some balancing up and down in some stats in the next release or two, so be sure to post your feedback!
Interdictors and Ace Pilots
Craft have gained two more important balance additions with this update. First, in order to reward their successful service, those wing specialist pilots who make a complete and successful Flight Plan during ship combat will gain Experience directly. This helps to keep your most active wing specialists pilots gaining XP for their flight duties, in the same way that crew combat gains XP for their battles.
Second, Interdictors have now joined Bombers and Shuttles in landing on the same turn that their flight plan ends. Previously, Interdictors would have a final turn where they were not blocking torpedoes but only focusing on landing the craft. Now, they land at the end of the last turn on which they will block incoming long range attacks, improving their flight plan efficiency by 20%.
On Init Crew Talents
Crew Combat Talents that fire "On Init" have gained a major upgrade as they now impart their Init bonuses on the turn they fire. As almost every On Init Talent gives a +Init bonus, this is a big boon and guarantees at least one of your combatants to get an Init bonus on the first round of combat (assuming you're wisely using these power talents) and then more bonuses to come if you have more Talents.
Of course, the enemy gets the same. And they are wise to use these Talents as well :D
Component Rebalancing Sweep!
A lot of balance changes have been rolled up into this release. A huge thanks to all the community members, including @prime_resistor for posting such great suggestions.
With Update #157, we've adjusted all Combat Hyperwarp drives to tweak their allocation of Skill Points, putting more into Navigation over Electronics. Smaller ship Combat HW Drives -- for Mass 2400 and 3400 hulls -- have gained additional Skill points.
The large slot Hull Plating components now add to Ship Ops as well as contributing better Electronics and Void and Radiation Resist. For such an investment in an armor-focused large slot, these components are now far more competitive and also have reduced Jump Cost across the boards.
The medium slot Deflector Arrays have gained improved Electronics Skill Pool as well as new Void Resist to help their long range defense contribution, shifting them into a more advantageous position within the Elo-defense meta.
Finally, we've added +15 Fuel Storage to Micro Launch Bays to help offset their Jump Cost.
There is always more! Be sure to check the full release notes below and leave a review!
v2.5.45 - 6/8/2019
- Added new component capability - reduce encounter rate in void travel by %, up to 25% maximum (starport "Ship" filter)
- Added new 2 new small slot Sig Dampener components (2, 3) to join original Sig Dampener in granting reduction in encounter rate, grant Elo, small Nav, Void Res
- Added new Rychart only small slot Sig Veil Field as top tier Sig Dampener type component
- Added new medium slot Sig Concealment Field which reduces encounter rate, grants Rad/Void Res, Elo/Nav Skill
- Wing specialist pilots now gain XP for each successful flight plan run keeping active wing pilots better leveled
- Interdictors on defensive flight plans now land after the final turn instead of waiting one last turn to only land (just like offensive flight plans)
- Big buff to all On Init Talents: now correctly granting the Initiative bonuses on the first Turn they are used
- Adjusted all size Combat Hyperwarp Drives to rebalance Electronics and Navigation, improved Skill Pools for Mass 2400 and Mass 3400 drives
- Adjusted large comp Hull Plating to include Ship Ops, better Electronics, moderate Void and Radiation Res on all tiers and lower jump cost
- Adjusted medium comp Deflector Array to give slightly better Electronics bonus and Void Res
- Added +15 Fuel Storage to Micro Launch bay
- Adjusted Wing Tech's "Recovery Pod" Talent to use Repair to determine health of saved wing pilot
- Improved language in ship encounter to explain current disposition / hostility versus base disposition / hostility
- Fixed some bugs with certain play loops causing game date to skip backwards
- Fixed bug with Wing Tech's "Hangar Triage" Talent not using Repair Skill correctly
Changed files in this update