ContentTool: From now on the green channel of the AO texture can be used for artificial lightings. In case you use an AO texture that is black-white only, the AO texture will be used during artificial light, as well, alternatively you can specifically add and bake shadows for artificial lights.
ContentTool: Display of the current line of additional string edits in the special PIS tool
ContentTool: Problems on deleting routes fixed
ContentTool: The PIS tools now use the 0th string for lists and filter - and not the ID. This aims to be easier to read.
Content - GT6N: The A-car got baked shadows of the inside lights for testing.
Content - GT6N: Alpha and normal maps for the outside textures finished
Content - GT6N: Night lighting bugs in the driver's cabin fixed
Content - GT6N: Setpoint generator - Gamecontroller support fxied
LOTUS-Simulator update for 7 June 2019
Patch 1.EA.037
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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