Thank you!
We just release the game, yet we already received numerous feedback about it and we are really thankful about that.
Based on your reports we started to fix some bugs:
🌟Some localization adjustments🌐
🌟Fix terrain modification near water🛠
🌟Fix drawing issues on snow🛠
🌟Fix helicopter terrain awareness🛠
🌟Fix bus route in context of terrain🛠
🌟Fix plugin texture caching issue🛠
🌟Fix issue with Chinese language🛠
🌟Fix drawing issues near water🛠
🌟Fix some crashes🛠
Furthermore, we added some hotkeys for you so that you can reach often used contents faster:
M Minimap
+ PUP Zoom in
- PDOWN Zoom out
WASD/arrows Scrolling
Q Turn left
E Turn right
12345 Speed control
6 General city info
7 Rating
8 Rank
9 Date
0 Budget
DEL Show deletion selector
TAB Select next tool from toolbar
SHIFT + TAB Reversed tool selection
SPACE Show info about selected tool
ENTER Use current selected tool
R Roads
T Terrain
Y Energy
U Water
I Education
O Park
P Police
F Fire dept
G Road deco
H Health
J Sport
K Management
L Award
Z Zones
X Disaster
C Recent
V Hills
B Asphalt
N Tree```
Changed files in this update