Hi to all,
we are proud to announce that S2ENGINE HD 2019.1.5 is finally among us.
We have focues the last days in improving the runtime configuration tool (fullscreen buig fixed), introducing the "graphics presets" into the EasyGamePack game option menu (GUI prefab) and testing the whole system.
Following is the final list of new contents.
- [BUG FIXED] Crash when selecting an object by picking it from Object pick dialog and after remove it from the picked objects list and press OK on the pick dialog
- [NEW] Added possibility to choose the axis of alignment when checking the "align to world" object placing option
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now "Targets" parameter of SetFlags action can be a variable.
- [BUG FIXED] when editing keyframes in cutscene curve editor, new keyframe values aren't updated into keyframe parameter group of Cutscene tool
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now "Targets" parameter of SetObjectParam action can be a variable.
- [BUG FIXED] Sometimes floating dialog boxes are partially hidden by the interface below
- [BUG FIXED] If you select an object owning a game machine and the game machine graph viewport is visible, if you then select the GUI viewport and hide the scene viewport, if you then select GUI root widget from widgets list tool, then if you inspect the gameMachine of the GUI and then select the scene viewport, if you finally run the game test engine crashes
- [BUG FIXED] If a particle system is marked as "local" and it is attached to another object, it disappears when camera rotates at certain angles
- [IMPROVEMENT] General rendering speed-up of about 15-20%
- [BUG FIXED] Crash when re-importing a model and ModelViewport is visible and cotains the model begin re-imported
- [IMPROVEMENT] Now the "create new project" dialog always starts from "projects" default folder, avoiding the project in project creation.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added memory page bounds check in FS Memory Allocator for avoiding invalid allocations that cause crashes.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Non-emitting light particle system materials now can be animated
- [IMPROVEMENT] Speeding-up particle systems rendering
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improved particle systems rendering (soft particles)
- [NEW] New Animation blending during transitions in gameMachine
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improved cutscene track and curve editors
- [NEW] New Animator and Animator3d object classes
- [NEW] New parameter "curve" in vec3Animate and floatAnimate GameMachine actions
- [BUG FIXED] In editor, When starting game in fullscreen, the scene viewport is drawed 2 times causing strange behaviour of some GUI widgets.
- [BUG FIXED] Configuration cannot be changed into the published aplication runtime
- [BUG FIXED] Presets aren't loaded into the published application runtime
- [BUG FIXED] Not all resolutions are listed when loading cofiguration (editor and runtime)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added "Render Quality" parameter into S2Configuration.exe application.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added "tooltip" text to combobox editor interface controls.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added a small delay to tooltip display
- [NEW] Added "RefreshQualitySettings" action in GameMachine
- [BUG FIXED] After updating the game machine of a GUIObject the GUI widgets hierarchy is lost.
BuildingGenerator (BG)
- [BUG FIXED] Pillar texture parameter of Ground floors has wrong default max value (must be 3)
EasyGamePack (EGP)
- [NEW] Added parameter "batteryDischargeAtStart" into PlayerCharacter class
- [BUG FIXED] Fixed Explosion splinters prefab that causes crashes if instanced repeatedly
- [NEW] Added "Render Quality" option into game GUI menu
We hope to turn back publishing new tutorials on youTube expecially about the latest features.
Do not forget to Follow the PROFENIX STUDIO page on STEAM to be up to date with new contents, DLC and updates:
Hope you appreciate,
Changed files in this update