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Desert Skies update for 4 June 2019

Roadmap and Hotfix EA.1.4.1

Share · View all patches · Build 3887802 · Last edited 4 June 2019 – 18:25:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We have updated with a hotfix that addresses a number of bugs we've received via feedback. We know there are more bugs to fix, and we will keep working on them for future patches.

We also wanted to talk a bit about our roadmap for Desert Skies in the near future. In addition to the reworked seeker spawn system for the next patch, we're also working on a number of new features including;

  • More locations for the first zone.
  • Oasis locations, where you can take a break and work on your airship without fear of the seeker's arrival.
  • More story elements in current and new locations.
  • Random elements to locations, such as different buildings in towns, to add variety to playthroughs.
  • More engaging location exploration through interactive elements, such as locked doors with hidden keys, or hidden treasures and triggered traps.
  • New tools, such as a shovel with dirt mounds to dig, and a dowsing rod to help find items.
  • New work stations, like a grindstone to sharpen your tools for improved performance, and a water barrel to store water aboard your airship.
  • Some fun interactive things to do while flying on your airship between locations.
  • More decorations for your airship.
  • And a few more features we want to keep under wraps to surprise you with.

In the longer term we'll also be adding the second zone, with a new desert and all new desert elements, the next part of the story, and different enemies to fight in different ways. We'll also be adding an engine and propeller, to let you control your airships direction, and to provide an engaging maintenance mechanic during flight.

We haven't planned it out in detail yet, but we'd also like to add airship damage with flying critchers and even bandit airships. We'd love to have airship verse airship fights where you use cannons or the gattling gun to shoot the bandits down to the ground and then loot their crashed airship.

We're brimming with ideas for Desert Skies, some planned out in detail for the near term and others dreams for the long term. We want to keep our minds open and to constantly work on making our game more fun and engaging in any way we can. If there's anything you'd love to see in the game then please let us know!

Windows 64-bit Desert Skies Content Depot 1048951
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