Hi everyone, below are notes for the latest patch:
- Fixed an issue when you could open the radial menu right after finishing combat and then couldn’t close it again
- Fixed an issue when causing a dynamite to explode by shooting it could cause next turn not to start
- Fixed an issue in Chapter 4 with respawn after second encounter not respawning all the things correctly
- Fixed an issue with incorrect respawning in Chapter 6
- Fixed an issue with not being able to exit the gun store by pressing B on the controller
- From now on, when using controller, “continue” will be hovered by default on the post combat result screen
- Fixed an issue in which you could get stuck in the state of pushing a mining cart
- Fixed missing canceling animation of dynamite throw action
- Fixed an issue when confirming an action very soon after it was selected could cause an error
- Fixed an issue of aiming line when using skills being weirdly oriented after using and then canceling aiming with a dynamite
- Fixed an issue in which some characters in combat could go past their target waypoint and then continue running away indefinitely
- Fixed an issue with El Dorado HUD not being properly shown in combat
- Fixed an issue with El Dorado not having proper amount of ammo in combat
- Added missing description for Gatling gun and Cannon actions in combat
- Fixed an issue of gatling gun in the arena not being properly usable
- Fixed one missing dialogue
- Added multiple new checkpoints across the whole game
- Various level design fixes in multiple levels
Changed files in this update