Hi friends!!
Again, thanks a lot for your feedback and support.
I have been working really hard to bring you ASAP a new update with several changes & improvements:
FIXED: Blocked turn fighting versus Ungolaint (Spider Boss)
FIXED: Block turn fighting versus Lobrab (Ent Boss)
FIXED: RockyStead effect “Send 6 Cards from Deck To Void” now works correctly
FIXED: Map duplicates cells on area 1 after win the entire forest map.
FIXED: After complete the entire map, your deck is reset to the default one.
FIXED: Cards texts (ONLY ENGLISH) and info box texts reviewed
FIXED: Better explanation on info boxes about which movements are ATTACKS and which ones are MAGICS, in order to have a better understanding about the movements during the combat.
FIXED: New cards available in levels 1-2-3
FIXED: New balancing on cards , enemies, combos & Alchemies based on the community feedback.
ADDED: Close button to SPIN OF FORTUNE (if you want to go back before start)
Changed files in this update