After testing on the PTE, we've got a patch that should help with the Heli Drone hitreg and some rebalancing. We've also got some cool fixes on top of that, so happy shooting!
0.6.3 Patch Notes
- Airstrike rebalance: prices and damage (Hellfire and Stormbreaker),
- Decreased bonus points for vehicle destruction,
- Hit registration from characters also applies to vehicles - Heli Drone should be now hittable with RPGs,
- Waiting for level to load after spawn - Vehicle will not simulate physics in time of waiting, shouldn't fall through the world,
- Fixed crash on strike drop,
- Vehicles can no longer drive on surfaces that character can't step on,
- Fixed VOIP audio volume slider not working in settings,
- Incorrect positioning of sounds,
- Added walkable slope to radar curb that was blocking player movement on C1 on Smolensk,
- Added new material to collision meshes for correct grass footsteps sounds on Berlin and Warsaw,
- Some fixes to Juno Grip availability in customization,
- Fixed applying skins on Boxer,
- Fixes for Leopard 2 PSO armor,
- Updated Buggy's collision so it can't climb walls while driving backwards,
- Fixed flickering markers,
- Loitering Ammo camouflage,
- Quadrocopter now can fly through the windows on Smolensk,
- Added extra covers on Smolensk,
- Created some additional magazines for better fitment,
- Proper HUD naming for vehicles,
- Maximum texture size reduced on all levels for objects that had it set too high,
- Added simplified version of bushes on Polyarny,
- Foliage draw distance fixes and other fixes on Polyarny,
- Collision and stream distance fixes on Polyarny,
- Removed unnecessary props,
- Deleted engines customization option (it wasn't doing anything),
- New military nets on Smolensk.
Changed files in this update