Hello, fighters!
We’ve prepared the update 0.53.2 today, in which we made some adjustments and changes.
Balance changes
- The time for applying of the medium antidote (green) has been reduced from 20 to 10 seconds, and from 20 to 15 seconds for a small antidote;
- Larger antidote now available at faction Outposts, with a 5 second apply time;
The new antidote and applying time should make it easier to fight against sun spiders now.
- A new event has been added at “Korovie”;
- A new event has been added in “Swamp” location;
Now, shooting a player with 50% reputation less than you, will not flag you as an aggressor in PvP.
Spawning of the loot in the boxes
Are you the type of player that hangs around box spawn areas and examines the same box all the time, we have bad news for you: now, if you take a specific item, like sewing thread for example, from the same box, this item will not spawn for you in this box anymore. At the same time, it does not affect other players, who can take said item out of a box. Go explore, who knows what you will find!
- Fixed a bug in which monsters damage only affected the rear armor plate. As a result, it should be easier to fight against some monster now. Happy hunting!;
- Fixed bugs with the collision of some objects.
Misc changes
- 3D model of MHP-1 has been updated;
- • The spawn chance and spawn rate of sewing thread has been increased;
- The radius of the safe zone at D7-1 sector in Canyon location has been increased.
Changed files in this update