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Pathologic 2 update for 30 May 2019

Pathologic 2 Patch 3

Share · View all patches · Build 3872446 · Last edited 30 May 2019 – 16:40:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Version 1.2.24644-rel-dev-st

Technically this is the third patch, but the previous two were more like hotfixes, while this is a Big One. This patch mostly focused on logical and quest-related errors. We’re still working on improving performance, stability, memory usage, and fixing spikes, and you’ll see some results next week. Although some memory-related issues were fixed in this patch already!

Here are the patchnotes:

  1. Optimization
  • improved memory usage (loading and relaunching the game now requires less memory);
  • lowered the amount of memory required by the shader cache;
  • lowered video memory usage.
  1. AI Fixes:
  • improved corpsmen behavior a bit;
  • plague clouds are now better at despawning;
  • NPCs react faster when someone attacks their allies;
  • fixed soldier animations (they correlate better with their behavior patterns now);
  • fixed NPC behavior upon surrendering;
  • improved NPC navigation;
  • fixed the lack of fighting animations for some NPCs in rare quest-related situations.
  1. Quest and Logic Fixes:
  • (NB!) crucial items no longer have a chance to disappear upon the player leaving the Abattoir;
  • fixed an unfortunate bug that made all items disappear from the player’s hideout;
  • fixed the start and end conditions for some quests (e.g., Saburov will no longer try to capture you after he’s done with trying to capture you);
  • fixed the issues with the quest about Father’s house;
  • in the quest that has you barter with the townsfolk, the game now correctly displays the fact that it improves your reputation;
  • some quest-related items now properly disappear when their time is due instead of lingering in the game world;
  • fixed some unfortunate phrases and name errors;
  • fixed the bug that made some doors lock on you in quest-related situations;
  • fixed some dialogue condition errors;
  • fixed the wrong thoughts (and in the game).
  1. Animation Fixes:
  • NPCs are now better at following the player with their faces and eyes;
  • minor fixes to women’s movement;
  • minor fixes to facial animations;
  • more natural poses in some dialogue animations;
  • soldiers’ aiming is no longer jerky.
  1. Visual Fixes:
  • burned people now produce prettier smoke;
  • some characters no longer float above their designated places (happy landing);
  • improved the shadows on Aglaya’s face;
  • improved the look of fire (and made it less bright);
  • minor collision fixes;
  • fixed visual glitches on fences;
  • improved the shadows cast by table lamps;
  • the lighting in the Lump has become slightly prettier;
  • improved the overall quality of indoor lighting, especially through doorways;
  • fixed the village quay;
  • now some detailed models load from further away (making the game a bit prettier);
  • fixed jerky camera movement;
  • partially fixed the incorrect blood particles upon hitting the opponent;
  • the grass now looks more even from afar;
  • fixed the look of the crosses drawn on doors;
  • fixed the blinking tooltips on the map (happened when the cursor was placed on a character portrait);
  • fixed trembling dialogue options (it was a bug, not a compelling storytelling technique).
  1. Audio Fixes:
  • audio balance generally improved;
  • restored music to the Crucible (Victor’s wing);
  • improved revolver and rifle sounds;
  • added music to the Nutshell.
  1. Misc:
  • made a single notch of the gamma slider twice as small, meaning it’s now easier to fine-tune it;
  • added VSync options to the graphic settings, that allows to set the FPS to ½, ⅓, or ¼ of you display refresh rate (improves performance at the cost of FPS);
  • fixed the bug on the “Load Game” screen that made the Load and Delete Save buttons active even in the absence of a valid save;
  • stealth is now active for the duration of the button being pressed, not toggled;
  • typos.

Please keep in mind that patches have a time lag: not all errors that we’re aware of have already been fixed. But whatever is not in this patch, is coming soon in future ones!

Windows 64-bit Pathologic Content (Beta) Depot 505234
  • Loading history…
DLC 1080220 Pathologic 2: Artbook (1080220) Depot Depot 1080220
  • Loading history…
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