This weeks patch smooths out a few edges, adds some new polish to the UI and as always, fixes a few crashes. Let me know on discord what you think!
Check it out:
Changelog for May 29th 2019 v17
Highlights: Week recaps, Heroes and Minions track their own stats, and more icons
- At the end of every week, you are now shown a recap of everything that happened
- Added a 'disable recaps' option
- Units track a dozen stats, from number of battles, to weeks spent on excursion, visible whenever inspecting a unit
- Equipment and Resources now has visible icons
- Battle replays have simple swipe animations
- Resources in storage are now visible on the AllEnsemblesOverview
- Resources in the Ensembles' packmules are now visible on the ItineraryOverview
- Minions are rendered on the map, next to their leading Heroes now
- show equipped weapon and armor in PostBattle
- add a placeholder for eventually story text on startup
- fadein/out unit panels in Prebattle
- selected Ensemble outline now animates slightly
- added starting weapons to each of the three starting archetypes
- text size on inspecting units is resized to better fit new icons
- removed 'lowercase i' prefix on location buttons, since the Capital button has its own special texture now
- reworded most Decision text to use 'they' instead of 'you', since the events have to do with the units and not the player directly
- highlight dependant stats when hovering over master stats in the unit inspection modal
- fix portrait ratio in the Pub and Barracks modals
- fix selected Ensemble outline disappearing between phases
- use new vanity discord url (
- fix dead units coming back to life after reloading a save (thanks Cablenexus!)
- fix Ensembles not being allowed new units after units permadied (thanks Cablenexus!)
- fix status icons overlaying over tooltips
- speed up startup loading
- fix 'wipe save' not working properly
- fix crash with loading old saves
- disable remembering the last selected unit
- fix equipment icons leaving 'ghost' icons
Changed files in this update