Hi everyone, today we released a second hotfix to address some issues that have been reported since the version 1.2 update. You can view the full change list below.
As always, community feedback helps us improve the game, so we ask anyone experiencing issues after today’s patch to leave constructive feedback on the official forums or Steam forums detailing; hardware set-up, in-game settings, videos/images, and where possible, any reproduction steps.
Critical Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players could become stuck after spawning.
- Fixed an issue with hit detection where bullet delta times were not as accurate as they should have been.
- Fixed an issue where the first person cloth gloves were rendering inside scopes.
- Fixed a loading screen crash.
- Fixed a server-side hitch / lag spike that was occurring when a lot of bot spawning would occur simultaneously in Hardcore Checkpoint.
- Players who join a Hardcore Checkpoint round in progress will now get their Loadout when they first spawn in. If they die and then try to rejoin the match to get their Loadout back, the match will remember that they were there before, and they will instead spawn with the Mosin and Makarov.
- Increased the number of Ammo Boxes that spawn on objectives in Hardcore Checkpoint from between 2 to 5 up to between 4 and 6.
- Removed the initial fire delay from the M99 and M82A1 CQ anti-materiel rifles and limited their fire rate.
- The Black variation of the Insurgent Hands “Cloth” item is now a “vanity” variation to have parity with other Black item variations. This means the variation is marked with a yellow marker, and its cost is slightly higher than its item’s rarity tier. This was an oversight on our part, we intended for this vanity cost to be in with the 1.2 update, so we apologize for any expectations set for the item to be as cheap as it was.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Explosive Drone being too large and handling poorly.
- Fixed an issue where soundscape emitters were playing multiple versions of their assigned audio. This caused two versions of the same audio playing at the same time, flanging, and increased volume.
- Fixed an issue where Laser Sights and Foregrips were given too often to AI enemies in Coop. They will now only be given 50% of the time.
- Fixed an issue where tattoos were enabled by default in first-person.
- Fixed an issue with the M99 and M82A1 CQ Caliber measurements not showing as being large enough in the Loadout menu.
- Fixed an issue with Coop servers showing the incorrect maximum number of players in the server browser if that value was greater than 8 players.
- Fixed an issue with the incorrect Team Deathmatch image being shown in the Arcade section of the Play menu.
- Fixed an issue with button icons on longer Lessons and hints being cut off.
- Fixed an issue with Supply Crates not resetting correctly after a round restart.
We are aware of the following issues and are still working on fixes for them. They will be addressed in upcoming hotfixes:
- Beta tattoos not showing properly in the Appearance menu.
- Game audio randomly cutting out, if you are experiencing this issue please help our
- team by providing feedback in this thread: https://steamcommunity.com/app/581320/discussions/0/1651045226222586970/
- SLI set ups making level geometry strobe, disappear, and appear dark in general.
- Single loaded weapons picked up from AI enemies not reloading properly.
- AI weapon audio looping.
- Class presets not saving correctly on exit.
- Sprinting with grenade launchers in Hardcore Checkpoint causes the arm to look deformed in a “wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man” style.
- Various clipping issues with cosmetics.
- Randomize button in appearance menu not saving cosmetics correctly.
- Glasses and goggles not showing the correct color in the appearance and loadout menus.
- Helicopters sometimes lose altitude rapidly if flying over very low terrain outside of the map.
Changed files in this update