In this update, we adjusted the features of some levels and improved value balance except bug fixes and some performance improvement. We hope this will improve your playing experience!
- Add:5 new rooms for first level
- Add:VSync switch
- Adjustment:Level playthrough
- Adjustment:Essence amount gained from the enemy.
- Adjustment:Lowered the chance to acquire Basic weapon in the Hall of Trials.
- Adjustment:Extend Immaculate Aspirant’s invinciblity time during dodge.
- Adjustment:Sound effect of Cultist and Cultist Cathar
- Adjustment:Adjusted the conditions of Achievement of Grace
- Adjustment:Increase EX Attack’s damage
- Adjustment:Adjust part of monster’s Physical attack and defense.
- Adjustment:When installing crystal into the totem, raises the possibility of increasing basic attributes.
- Adjustment: When installing a crystal into the totem, raises the possibility of get specific runes when leveling up
- Bug fix:Black screen after entering the game and unable to quit by menu.
- Bug fix:The item description will disappear when first opening the menu.
- Bug fix:Crystal ability- acquiring a rune will change the beginning rune level and the essence cost of level up.
- Bug fix:The attributes altered by Runes didn't show in the character data.
- Bug fix:After equipping the Ring of Proficiency, Meads recovery effect shows abnormal.
- Bug fix:Game stuttering every time an item is picked up.
- Performance and optimization improvements
Adjustment of Rune ability
- Impeccable Piece:Increase item damage by 5% >> 10% if at full health
- Sense of Strategy:Reduce Life Debt consumption from using Unique Weapon Action by 1% >> 2%
- Mead Perk:Increase item damage by 15% >> 50% for <5> seconds after drinking mead
- Avenging Angel:After using Dodge, increase damage by 2% -> 3% for 8 seconds but render useless after one hit.
- Focus Fire:Reduce damage taken by 1% -> 2% when stamina is full
- Sharp Attack:Increase light attack damage by 1% -> 3%
- Heavy Blow:Increase heavy attack damage by 1% -> 3%
- Skill Proficiency:Increase damage done with Weapon Skill by 1% -> 3%
- Call to Arms:Increase damage done with Unique Weapon Action by 1% -> 3%
- Swift Hands:Increase damage done by EX Attack by 1% -> 3%
- Bling Fling:Increase damage done by all projectile items by 10% -> 20%
- Grace in Heart:Increase Elemental and Void Grace damage by 2% -> 10%
- Pursuit on Victory:Increase EX Attack damage by 20% -> 50% for <3> seconds after using a Unique Weapon Action
- Fierce Piece:Increase item damage by 10% -> 70% for <5> seconds after taking damage
- Tit for Tat:Increase damage by 100% -> 70% for <5> seconds after taking damage
Adjustment of Totem Power
- Cultist Deaconess Totem:Health restoration + extra 25% -> 35%
- Garm Totem:Attack stamina consumption -35% -> -70%、Life Debt restoration with attack +20% -> +35%
- Cultist Mentor Totem:Item usage speed increased by +50% -> +30%
Adjustment of Weapon ability
[Fighter's Sword]、[Fighter's Greatsword]
Physical attack +125
★Stamina consumption for all attacks is increased by 20% -> 15%
★Life Debt recovery speed increased by 33% -> 40% -
[Sharp Rapier]、[Sharp Greatsword]
★Physical attack +90 -> +105
★Stamina consumption for attacks reduced by 30% -> 15%
★Interruptions decreased by 30% -> 20%
★Consume 50% -> 30% less of Life Debt for any movement
Increase your attack speed a little. -
[Sword of Stone]、[Greatsword of Stone]
Physical attack +150
★Stamina consumption of Dodge and EX Dodge increased by 50% -> 25%
★Stamina consumption for EX Attack increased by 30% -> 40% -
[Sword of Power]、[Greatsword of Power]
Physical attack +135
★Elemental Grace damage increased by 25% -> 50%
★Void Grace damage increased by 50% -> 75% -
[Sword of the Hero]、[Greatsword of the Hero]
Physical attack +145
Unique Weapon Action damage increased by 50%
★Life Debt recovery speed decreased by 45% -> 35%
Thank for your patient, and please contact us by following links if you have anything want to discuss with us.
Changed files in this update