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Gunsmith update for 25 May 2019

1 Year update!!!!

Share · View all patches · Build 3858277 · Last edited 25 May 2019 – 17:05:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Gunsmithers!

Hope you are all well.

Today believe it or not Gunsmith is 1 year old!

So today we have to do something to celebrate that! Firstly though I think we should take a look at where we've come from to now. Just over a year ago we launched into Early Access with a concept we thought would be good but didn't have the resources to finish. So we made a plan to release a somewhat stable and fun game. It worked and since then we have grown a discord community to over 1500 members, had over 300 players online at any one time. We've added multiple new features to make the game more fun. Crazy stuff. We’re extremely excited to see where we go from here!

Now onto the update and the future…

For the 1 year update we will be announcing...

Steam Workshop!

To begin with in this update you will be able to share your saves to the Steam Workshop to check out other players factories. We want to expand on Workshop in the future but we think it will be awesome to see what others are doing and to allow you to download other games to see what others have designed.

We are hoping this lets us see what you are making so we can adapt and balance the game more effectively and also allows you all to check out other people’s factories as well. Win win.

Anyone who has already purchased gunsmith will get an in game unlock of our 1 year anniversary statue which you can find in game.

On top of that we have done a lot of work on the foundations of the game to prepare it for our future plans and development for Gunsmith.

We have redesigned some of the laborious things to make it more streamlined and hopefully more fun. Instead of having different lines for different things i.e bullets. In the old version there would be different machines needed. The 1 year update allows you to use roughly the same machines but have different settings such as heat or cooling.

We feel its much more fun to play this way now and removes some of the massive machine lines that are just too long for this part of the game. On top of that other things such as anodising of guns will now be able to take all parts in one go instead of having to have 5 machines, it now works much like a heater, anodising everything that goes through it. Much better.

On top of that as well we have redesigned the way licences are unlocked, no more step by step unlocks, if you have a good relationship with the origin country you start the game in you can get a licence for the production and it will unlock everything in that tree once again cutting down the grind that was just not fun to play.
This will allow us in future to have two trees one licenced and one unlicensed with both positive and negative outcomes. It’s not finished as of yet but we are now complete with the foundations of this mechanic.

On top of that, we have also re-designed how relationships work entirely. Now there are multiple agencies as well as origin countries, if you want to go heavy towards one nation you can sell to both the actual country and its intelligence agency.

This again is still in the works however its already a great improvement and will now allow us to work on this feature for the future.

Onto the future! Oh before the future…

We also added Sandbox mode! And the games first rifle.



Our next update which we hope to be out June 25th in time for the Summer sale will be content, content and more content. We know this is an area that you all want more of. Because Gunsmith is going to be such a large game. We needed to make sure these fundamental foundations are correct to build upon. We feel the game is much better this way and now we can build on top of this.

So we hope you enjoy the update, its pretty huge, and we will be on hand to hotfix if anything is super broken but we are quite confident in this build so enjoy the changes and we will see you again on the 25th of June!

Full list of features will be linked in the forums and discord!


Rich and Ed.


Windows 64-bit Gunsmith Depot Depot 620192
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