A little background on the current focus. Last year focus was the [tycoon module]. It is still work in progress; with the last update; work on the [simulation module] has begun. The 2 modules shared a common [data module] which is also still WIP. It is the aim of starting work on simulation aspect to catalyst the data module completion progress; as it is relatively easier to be tested and improved/balanced upon within a testable environment
Build Update
- Unreal Engine minor update from version 4.22.1 to 4.22.2
- This is a minor update; current progress is not included in the newest build as it still needs a lot of tweaking (see GIF for problem example)
Movement Progress Update
(WIP-Not included in the current build):
Logic Implementation
- Locomotion logic is now in c++ for better performance
- Implemented more abstract solution for leg-type locomotion -> can be adapted to other leg types (quadruped, hexaped, etc) relatively quick
- Internally using an experimental feature [CCDIK] (Cyclic Coordinate Descent Inverse Kinematic) from Unreal Engine to implement foot surface detection as opposed to simple [TwoBoneIK] in update#051. This has some several trade-offs; a beneficial one is a support for a leg with multiple joints
- Various other WIP improvements such as hips offset; turn-in-place detection; etc
Improved default animation workflow.
- Internal animation pipeline is now correctly creating a base skeleton with root bone
- Improved default animation creation. For leg-type basic movement; a total of 9 default animations per leg-skeleton are needed (forward, backward, left, right, 4* diagonal and default stance). In the new workflow; only 3 are needed; the others can be generated from the metadata -> faster development time
- Implemented bone naming convention -> future implementation of other controllable legs with surface detection will be faster
Next Progress Update: 31st May 2019
Thank you
Changed files in this update