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Rise of Industry update for 21 May 2019

Megapatch 1.1 is now public!

Share · View all patches · Build 3843272 · Last edited 21 May 2019 – 12:50:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Industrialists! Hello again!

Right on, so... release got us thousands of new players (each with their own feedback, reports, thoughts, and so on). Gatherers a lot of this and got to work non stop. After a few weeks of coding, testing and some community members' feedback for testing the beta branches, we can now present to you the official first post-release megapatch!

Really hope you guys see this as a step in the right direction for an even more enjoyable experience!

Main Features

Warehouses can directly supply shops (this can be disabled if you want)

Can buyout other entities' permits (and the AI will offer you cash for yours)

Warehouses now clearly state if and with what Depots they are connected to

Major changes to Logistcs:

  • Prices for Logistic Requests have skyrocketed, but the capacity is much higher now.

    • It's all more according to how big bulky transportation vehicles should work. * Make sure the vehicles are full and do NOT use Logistic Requests for raw stuff, or you'll go bankrupt super quickly.
  • In short:

    • Automated Warehouse trucks are very cheap Normal trucks are good for very short range (under 50 tiles) Warehouse dispatch trucks are good for short range (under 125 tiles) Trains are expensive to set up, but are fast and good over 200 tiles Boats are cheap and high capacity, ideal for long distances (over 250 tiles over water) * Zeppelins are very expensive and meant for when a player has a lot of money and needs Products moved in as a short distance as possible.

Stock Market

  • Players can now buy up other companies in hostile takeovers, by purchasing their stocks when they are vulnerable. Be careful as other companies can buy up your stock. Stock prices go up over time, as the company places more buildings and gains control over more regions * The more stocks are sold, the more expensive they get

AWH Dropdown. A new dropdown was added to the Outgoing tab of the Warehouse, to control more what buildings receive what.

  • "Equally": like now: AWH sends stuff equally to shops and producers. This is the default state. "+Shops": it will send stuff to shops first, then, if there's spare, to producers. Only applies to products shared. So if the WH is next to a farmer market and a livestock, it will send the wheat first to the shop, and then to the farm. This will not impact sending apples, as it's a different product (will be sent at the same rate as the wheat to the shop). "+Users": it will send stuff to producersfirst, then, if there's spare, to shops. Only applies to products shared. So if the WH is next to a farmer market and a livestock, it will send the wheat first to the farm, and then to the shop. This will not impact sending apples, as it's a different product (will be sent at the same rate as the wheat to the farm). "Only shops": AWH will supply only shops and will not care about producers. "No shops": AWH will supply only producers and will not care about shops. * "All Off": same as "all manual" (AWH disabled).

Now, for 1.2 we're working on mid to endgame stuff: Dynamic Events and AI trading. More details coming soon!

Have fun, and let me know what you think of all these changes!!


Windows 64-bit Rise of Industry Windows Depot 671441
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macOS 64-bit Rise of Industry OSX Depot 671442
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Linux 64-bit Rise of Industry Linux Depot 671443
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