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Infinity update for 21 May 2019

5/21 Some Bug fix/Content update

Share · View all patches · Build 3842749 · Last edited 21 May 2019 – 10:10:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New features:

  1. Character hand and head IK mounting
  2. The scoring system is installed, now counts the number of player’s kills,
    deaths, and troop kills.
  3. Increase the animation effect of monster death (with gold coins)
  4. Transfer/skill cooling is now prompted
  5. Room information in the room list shows the number of players


  1. Optimize the character model
  2. Optimize the sense of uncoordinated animation caused by network delay

BUG fix:

  1. Fixed the bug that the archer's illusion did not disappear when dead

Next version update message:

Thanks for the feedback from the players, we understand that the current version of the MOBA element is too few, the theme is not clear enough.
The next update will add the following contents to make the theme clearer:

  1. Both the red and blue troop rebirth points increase the military base,
    players can attack the building, and the tower will take the initiative attack
    the player.
  2. The main tower HP will be linked with the three strongholds. After the
    player breaks the military base, the opponent will stop producing the
  3. The airship will be fired at regular intervals (the one occupying more
  4. Towers and buildings will indicate HP and add attack and destruction
Windows 64-bit Infinity Content Depot 1055021
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