- Scout class movement speed has been increased from 1000 to 1200.
- Max mastery tokens raised to 6. (Was 5)
- Max Gun parts raised to 10k. (was 5k)
- Max metal scraps raised to 20k. (was 10k)
- It should no longer be possible to upgrade an item above 100% quality.
- Level cap increase hearts should not spawn more than once on the same mission.
- Breakable blocks should now have a slightly more obvious clue that they can break.
- All levels were gone over to accommodate the new jump mod changes.
- Removed Demon lord requirement from "The Mighty Warhammer" trophy.
- Added more armor pickups for a specific level in the Ogrimgore's Lair mission.
- Decreased the level that monsters spawn in a specific level in the Ogrimgore's Lair mission.
Thank you so much for streaming Revulsion!
Give both of these guys some love as they have contributed a lot to the game.
Live streams are one of the best ways to get feedback! I have been getting pretty distracted lately but I did manage to get this patch in place. Sorry that its a week and change late. Ill try to keep things rolling in regular intervals in the future.
I already have additional feedback for things like making it so there is more sanity to what monsters can be epic or legendary. I also plan to make a change to the HUD so that armor and health have their own numbers that way it doesn't feel like your health is draining when you over armor.
I have been applying to find work again but I plan to stay within the indie sector so I can continue working on Revulsion. This is definitely not going to be the final patch. Ill do an update video to clarify everything more soon.
Also shout out to RunStep for giving me a great bug list and feedback / suggestions. Thank you!
Changed files in this update